NICE guideline – Shared decision making

The draft scope for this NICE guideline is now out for consultation; it is a valuable opportunity to ensure that the guideline considers issues important to your members. The consultation page contains the documents, background papers and instructions on how to comment.

The consultation on this draft scope will close at 5pm on 15 February 2019.

NICE will also be recruiting people with a practitioner, care provider or commissioner background and lay members (people using services, family members and carers, and members of the public and community or voluntary sector) to join the Committee for this guideline.…

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Work and Health Challenge Fund

Details of the successful applications for the Work and Health Challenge Fund are available now.

The Work and Health Unit (WHU), which is jointly managed by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department of Health and Social Care, is using a £4.2m Challenge Fund to test new approaches that can help people experiencing mental health and/or musculoskeletal (MSK) issues stay in work.

The WHU were looking to fund initiatives which will improve our understanding of what works in one or more of the following areas:

  • Helping people stay in work by increasing their ability to self-manage their conditions.

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NICE guidelines in development

NICE are developing guidelines on:

  • Mental wellbeing at work
  • Osteoarthritis (update)
  • Social and emotional wellbeing in primary and secondary education (update)

 The following NICE guidelines are also being checked to see whether they need updating:

  • GSG8 Improving outcomes for people with skin tumours including melanoma
  • NG14 Melanoma: assessment and management

If you would like to register your organisation as a stakeholder for any of these topics, please login or complete the registration form on their website.

Names of all organisations registered as stakeholders for each topic will be posted on the NICE website.…

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New MSK at Work Network

Good musculoskeletal (MSK) health is integral to a full working life. The MSK at Work Network, established in 2019, aims to keep workers healthy via advocacy to: 

  • Policy makers (e.g. to mandate MSK at work strategies to support employees); 
  • Employers (e.g. to put in place MSK at work action linked with general work and health activities for employees); 
  • Health professionals (e.g. to ensure MSK at work is part of practice with patients) and 
  • Academics (e.g. to communicate MSK at work research and identify gaps).

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Chiropractor Peter Dixon appointed Fellow of NICE

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has appointed chiropractor Peter Dixon as a Fellow.

This Fellowship is for experienced leaders in health and social care to become ambassadors for NICE and to help promote high quality care by developing new ways of working across the care sector.

Peter, who is currently a Director at the Society for promoting Chiropractic Education and President of the Royal College of Chiropractors, is a practising chiropractor who has held a range of senior leadership positions in chiropractic including Chair of the UK’s statutory regulator, the General Chiropractic Council (GCC) and as President of the British Chiropractic Council and the European Chiropractors’ Union.  …

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MSK Champions key dates

Versus Arthritis are delighted to announce that they’re now open for applications for the second round of the MSK Champions programme, a prestigious leadership development opportunity. 

Together with international business school Ashridge Executive Education, they created a bespoke leadership initiative, which will support you to become a Champion of musculoskeletal care. You’ll join a galvanized community of role models and ambassadors who champion change and work together to improve musculoskeletal care.

Are you passionate about leading change in MSK care?

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Webinar – How to implement NBRPP

How to implement the National Back and Radicular Pain Pathway (NBRPP)

12.30 – 1.30pm Friday 8 March 2019

The webinar aims to support the implementation of the National Back and Radicular Pain Pathway. It will initially explain the pathway and present data from early implementers to help make the case for change in your local area. The physiotherapist who led the implementation of the NBRPP across Cheshire and Merseyside as part of the Walton Centre Vanguard Project will talk about her experiences, common barriers to implementation and strategies to overcome them.…

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MACP partner conference and IFOMPT

Physio UK Conference

As part of the 50th Anniversary of the MACP, the Executive Committee made the decision to partner with Physio UK 2018 and work to deliver the MSK stream across the 2 day conference.

Labelled by CSP’s Karen Middleton as “the best Physio UK ever,” the conference attracted double the delegates of the last few years with a significant increase in abstract submissions from 84 to 328, with the majority aligned with the MSK stream.

Prof David Oliver, Clinical Vice-President of the Royal College of Physicians, delivered the Founders’ Lecture, and he was joined on stage by Jonathon Kruger, Chief Executive of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy.…

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Consultation on NICE principles

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is inviting comments on the consultation of a new version of the principles that guide the development of NICE guidance and standards. The consultation will run until 11 February 2019.

The document brings together existing statements of the way NICE practices, in particular the principles set out in our Social Values Judgements document. It also links to, and is consistent with, the legislation that establishes NICE in its current form, the NICE charter, and other legal, ethical and technical considerations that relate to decisions about how to allocate fixed resources in health and social care.…

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NICE offers conference ticket bursary to attend the 2019 NICE conference

NICE launched a bursary scheme for voluntary and community sector organisations for the 2019 NICE Annual Conference which is taking place at the Hilton Hotel, Deansgate, Manchester on 9 May 2019.

The bursary offer

This year’s bursary package consists of a full day delegate pass to the conference worth £149 plus VAT. The bursary scheme is open to national voluntary and community sector organisations, local and regional Healthwatches, and can be applied for by completing and returning the application form. Further details of the bursary scheme and the application form are available on the NICE website bursary page.…

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