SOMM Musculoskeletal core capabilities framework

The Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine (SOMM) has produced a short paper mapping capabilities within the published ‘Musculoskeletal core capabilities framework for first point of contact practitioners’* to the Society’s course provision.  

The domains identified within the framework provide categories for the capabilities that underpin first contact practice. Practitioners can be signposted to appropriate modules to facilitate the development of the advanced skills required for their MSK First Contact Practitioner (FCP) role. The Society’s programme of courses already accommodates key capabilities that learners across a range of health professions need, to be able to develop as FCPs. The ‘Theory and Practice of Injection Therapy’ module is currently emerging as essential to support the FCP role and provision has increased to fulfil demand.

As with the Society’s other advanced modules, the injection module builds on the principles and practice of the musculoskeletal medicine approach, as taught through the Society’s educational pathway, but is suitable for all allied health professionals practising at an advanced level in MSK.

The ‘Capabilities (MSK Capabilities Framework) Mapped to SOMM Courses’ paper can be viewed here.

* Health Education England. NHS England and Skills for Health 2018.  NHS England Publications Gateway Reference: 082896