Versus Arthritis Cost-of-living crisis

On World Arthritis Day, Versus Arthritis sought to shine a light on the crisis people with arthritis are facing this winter — by calling on the Prime Minister to take urgent action to protect them. 

In September, Versus Arthritis surveyed almost 4,000 people with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions to ask how the cost-of-living crisis was affecting them, and the results were staggering: 94% of people saying that cold weather has a negative impact on their condition, but 84% are using less fuel because of rising costs.

This World Arthritis Day Versus Arthritis called on the Prime Minister to: 

  • Make sure that planned treatments are not disrupted by winter pressures on health services. 
  • Make sure that people with arthritis who are on waiting lists get the support they need. 
  • Protect people with arthritis from the cost-of-living crisis, by providing more support to households who require extra heating to maintain their health. This includes offering the Warm Homes Discount scheme to more people.  
  • Support ground-breaking research into arthritis in the UK by protecting it from the soaring cost of inflation. This will allow researchers to continue their work towards life-changing treatments and potential cures.

Sign the letter urging the Government to do more to help people with arthritis.