Recent publications on health inequalities

There have been a number of publications and toolkits on health inequalities published in recent weeks. These are not MSK-specific but will include useful information, data and resources for those working in MSK.

Illustrating the relationship between poverty and NHS services is a long read from the Kings Fund.

Health inequalities in 2040
Current and projected patterns of illness by deprivation in England.
The Health Foundation lists chronic pain as one of the 4 conditions projected to increase at a faster rate in more deprived areas.

How to embed action on health inequalities into integrated care systems
A practical guide to inform spending on health inequalities from the NHS Confederation.

Putting money where our mouth is?: Exploring health inequalities funding across systems. Effective principles for allocating health inequalities funding in England from the NHS Confederation.

Reducing Health Inequalities: A Guide for NHS Trust Board Members from NHS Providers