New date for NOA webinar

NOA logoNOA Webinar: Learning from never events and serious incidents (SUIs)

The next National Orthopaedic Alliance (NOA) webinar will take place on 25 May 2022 at 1pm via Zoom. The session will focus on learning from never events and serious incidents.

Note from editor: the representatives from the CQC are no longer able to speak at this event.

Never events and serious incidents are a cause for concern and anxiety when reported in an organisation. They require investigation and official reporting. The end result should be a process of open multidisciplinary analysis and discussion led by the Clinical Governance team that results in learning for the organisation. This process can be difficult and sensitive when harm is identified and errors attributed to processes and individual staff.

In this webinar, representatives from the National Orthopaedic Alliance will discuss learning from never events and serious incidents.

You can find out more and register on the NOA website.