Moving matters

Interventions to increase physical activity

We know that keeping active is important for maintaining MSK health. The challenge is always how to encourage people to be more active. This themed review from NIHR provides some evidence about what works (and what doesn’t).

The review outlines evidence from over 50 studies of what is effective in getting people more active. Evaluations range from programmes in schools and communities to changes in transport and the environment, which are designed to promote greater activity. The report summarises the evidence and includes prompts for reflection to help make practical use of the findings.

The review covers studies of:

  • Early years
  • Children of primary school age
  • Young people of secondary school age
  • Adults
  • Workplace changes
  • Older adults
  • Changes to the built and natural environments

It shows which interventions are effective and some which looked promising but showed no long term increase in activity. Perhaps unsurprisingly the review shows that there are no single solutions. What may drive us to keep and stay active depends on who we are, where we live, and wider system issues. Moving Matters will be a useful resource for anyone looking at what might help increase activity levels and so increase MSK health.