JIA Awareness Week #BustingJIAMyths

JIA Awareness cartoonThe National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) is proud to announce the launch of 2023’s Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Awareness Week (JIA AW) from 3-7 July 2023.

For JIAAW 2023 the theme is #BustingJIAMyths, focusing on dispelling the myths that surround this currently incurable invisible condition. The JIA community, people living with JIA, their families/carers and Healthcare professionals are only too aware of the misconceptions that other people can have around inflammatory arthritis, and we want to spread awareness to raise the profile of this condition with a ‘JIA Mythbuster’ quiz that all can take part in.

Throughout the week we will be sharing videos and stories on our social media platforms, so please do get involved by sharing and using the hashtag #BustingJIAMyths and #JIAAW203. The more people see and take the quiz the more we can spread awareness of living with this condition! Take the quiz here.