Fragility Fracture Network Congress 2023

FFN Congress banner

Improving care for fragility fracture patients

The Fragility Fracture Network (FFN) invites you to attend their 11th annual Congress in Oslo, Norway on 3 – 6 October, 2023.

FFN is a global organization with a mission to improve the care for patients who have sustained, or are at risk of, a fragility fracture. Its membership is multidisciplinary and the Congress is designed to address the patients’ needs across the continuum from emergency department to return to function in the community. The focus is on the evidence as well as the implementation of the evidence in a real-world context.

Join the FFN in Oslo to learn about how to improve care for your patients and to network with experts who will share their experience in implementing new care models.

You can find out more about Fragility Fracture Network through their website, and become a member to access resources and tools. 

Congress registration is available here.

Click here to open the FFN Congress 2023 flyer, which contains details of the scientific programme, registration options, and the schedule for the pre-Congress day.