EULAR launches the Edgar Stene Prize Competition 2025

Edgar Stene prize 2025EULAR PARE has announced the launch of the EULAR Edgar Stene Prize essay competition 2025 on the topic: “Growing up with an RMD – learning, transitioning from paediatrics and the impacts on childhood and the family”.

The competition is open to people aged 18 and over living with rheumatic and MSK diseases (RMDs) who were diagnosed with an RMD during childhood to participate and write about their personal experiences on the competition topic.

In addition, for 2025, parents of children living with RMDs are also invited to participate.…

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Edgar Stene 2023 Competition

EULAR logoThe EULAR Edgar Stene Prize Competition runs yearly in memory and honour of the late Edgar W. Stene, who had severe ankylosing spondylitis. First prize is EUR 1,000, including a travel bursary to attend the EULAR Congress 2023. Second prize is EUR 700 and Third is EUR 300.

The competition has now launched for 2023 with entries called on the topic:

“How better communication with my doctor improved my life with an RMD”.

EULAR PARE are encouraging people to write about their personal experiences on the topics and answering the questions:

  • What is your experience of communication with your doctor?

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Ailsa Bosworth on the EULAR PARE Podcast

EULAR bannerNRAS’s National Patient Champion, Ailsa Bosworth MBE, talks about SMILE-RA on the EULAR PARE podcast. SMILE-RA is a self-management e-learning programme for people with rheumatoid arthritis, a programme which was one of the winners of the Best Practice Fair at the EULAR PARE Conference.

You can listen to the episode, “Meet a PARE Best Practice Fair winner – NRAS” of the podcast on Apple Podcasts, and also find the EULAR PARE Podcast on Spotify.

Edgar Stene Prize Competition 2020 – EULAR

The late Edgar Stene, who had severe ankylosing spondylitis, was a great promoter of co-operation between doctors, patients and community workers. The EULAR Edgar Stene Prize Competition runs yearly in his memory and honour. First prize is € 1,000 and the winner will be invited to attend the EULAR Congress in Frankfurt. Second prize is €700 and third prize is €300.

The 2020 prize will be awarded to the winning essay on the topic:

“Being a person with a rheumatic or musculoskeletal disease (RMD) – How my voluntary work benefits me”

The EULAR Edgar Stene Prize 2020 competition is open to people 18 years and over who are living with a rheumatic and musculoskeletal (RMD) disease.…

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EULAR Physical Activity recommendations

EULAR has published a new lay summary: EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis

EULAR is disseminating the lay versions of the recommendations to patient organisations and healthcare professionals to support patients and carers in managing their condition.

For more lay summaries of EULAR recommendations, go to the EULAR website.

IMPACT-RMD study questionnaire

IMplementation of Physical Activity into routine Clinical pracTice in Rheumatic Musculoskeletal Disease

The IMPACT-RMD study aims to raise awareness on the importance of physical activity in people with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs). The goal is to help and support managing healthcare practitioners to understand more about physical activity as well as incorporate/include physical activity advice in clinical consultations.

Physical activity has multiple different benefits for RMDs, including better quality of life, better fitness and sleep, less fatigue and pain while it can also reduce inflammation.…

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EULAR survey patient-reported outcomes in young patients

Exploring the perspectives of young patients with chronic, inflammatory arthritis on patient-reported outcome measures

Having completed Phase 1 of the YoungPro project (focus groups in four different European countries with young people with inflammatory arthritis and the first Task Force meeting), EULAR has developed a survey to be spread across Europe to gather additional information around this topic.

The European League Against Rheumatism Task Force aims to incorporate the perspective of young people with inflammatory arthritis in patient reported outcomes (PROs).…

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EULAR – a year in review 2018

One strategy, a learning management system, five recommendations, 12 campaign sponsorships and a first – and a tenth – anniversary

The European League Against Rheumatism, EULAR, is celebrating a year of achievement in rheumatology in 2018. EULAR launched its new five-year strategy as well as the EULAR School learning management system. It also published five recommendations, sponsored twelve countries in Europe to launch the EULAR Campaign, “Don’t Delay, Connect Today” at local level – and commemorated the first anniversary of the campaign with a dedicated press conference.…

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Deadline fast approaching for EULAR Edgar Stene Prize Competition 2019

There are only a few days left to apply for the prestigious EULAR Edgar Stene Prize Competition 2019. People with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders are invited to write about their personal experiences submitting essays on the topic of:

My ideal employer – Work without barriers for people with RMDs

Please find more information in these documents:

Please take a careful look at the deadlines and entry rules mentioned in the respective documents.…

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EULAR updates hand osteoarthritis management document

On 6 September 2018, The European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) published an update to a set of recommendations for the management of hand osteoarthritis. The recommendations report on new evidence made since a first EULAR report was published in 2007.

See the press release (opens in PDF) for the five overarching principles and ten recommendations that were agreed upon in the EULAR document.