PIER showcases good practice to NHS delegation

A group of senior delegates from the NHS Health Literacy Collaborative Group visited the Haywood Hospital in late February to look at the Patient Information and Resource Centre, (PIER) and see what effect its presence has had on the health literacy of patients and carers using the hospital.

Based within the outpatients’ area of the Haywood Hospital, the PIER, which opened in October 2015, provides patients, their families and carers with access to information on arthritis and related conditions. Visitors have access to a range of printed and online material in modern comfortable surroundings.…

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SEM services can deliver much needed MSK cost savings to the NHS

Disease Risk Reduction via Regular Physical Activity
Heart Disease 40%
Stroke 27%
Colon Cancer 25%
Breast Cancer 24%
Type 2 Diabetes 30%
Hypertension 50%
Source:  A Fresh Approach in Practice – NHS North West and the FSEM UK 2011

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (FSEM) UK has responded to the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee Preventative Agenda Inquiry, emphasising the risk reduction for many common conditions and the cost savings which can be made by greater use of Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) services in the NHS.…

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A Message to My Younger Self

The National Osteoporosis Society is launching “A Message to My Younger Self” – an awareness campaign about keeping bones strong and health. It begins on 12th April 2017 and runs through to World Osteoporosis Day on 20th October. NOS want the generations to have a conversation about healthy bones, to talk about the steps that can be taken to make sure bones are strong, and to give a voice to the millions of people with the condition.

The campaign is being fronted by Liz Earle who is personally concerned about the impact of social media on the eating habits of her teenage children, backed-up by research that we have conducted showing that 20% of 18-24 year olds have reduced or completely cut out dairy from their diets, which could potentially be storing up problems for them in later life.…

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Musculoskeletal toolkit launched to help employers support people with musculoskeletal conditions

ARMA worked with Public Health England and Business in the Community to develop a new toolkit for employers in the workplace, which launched at the Health and Wellbeing at Work Conference in the NEC today (7 March 2017). Musculoskeletal conditions are an important consideration for businesses as they are a leading cause of pain and disability in the UK, affecting many employees.

The toolkit draws together information for employers to support staff in the prevention, early identification, management and adaptation for people affected by musculoskeletal conditions.…

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BSR publishes updated DMARDs guideline

British Society for Rheumatology publishes updated guideline non-biologic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs).

This latest guidance sets out evidence based recommendations for clinicians prescribing synthetic, non-biologic, anti-rheumatic drugs to tackle multisystem rheumatic conditions. Previous guidelines on DMARDs were published in 2008 but significant shifts in the evidence base mean updated guidance is needed. Monitoring of DMARDs is essential and the guideline includes focuses on baseline screening; implications of co-morbid illness; monitoring for toxicity; management during intercurrent illness or surgery, and shared care guidance.…

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Wellbeing Our Way: WOW! Exchange online catalogue

Wellbeing Our Way’s WOW! Exchange is an online catalogue of more than 100 examples of how charities and community groups are enabling people to live well, in the ways which matter to them.

The examples are searchable by person-centred approach (e.g. peer support, supporting self management) and population group (e.g. children, LGBT+) so you can easily find the examples most useful for your own work. Have a look at the Exchange and share your own great work.


Event: Facilitation Masterclass
29 March 2017, Central London

Great facilitation can enable problem solving, deepen stakeholder engagement and energise strategic-level planning.

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Could long-term conditions reach the point where patients are actually driving the research agenda?

by Kate Gilbert, PhD, Project Lead for PMRGCAuk’s Rheuma Research Roadshows

I’m writing this on a train on a February evening, feeling worn out but excited, a state of mind familiar to any development worker who has just launched a major project. In this case, the PMRGCAuk team have just held the first of our Research Roadshows, funded by a grant from the Wellcome Trust, focusing on Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica. The roadshows are going to take place at research hubs around the country. …

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Musculoskeletal toolkit to help employers support people with MSK

ARMA is working with Public Health England and Business In The Community to develop a new toolkit for employers in the workplace, which launches in Spring/Summer 2017. Musculoskeletal conditions are an important consideration for businesses as they are a leading cause of pain and disability in the UK, affecting many employees.

The toolkit draws together information for employers to support staff in the prevention, early identification, management and adaptation for people affected by musculoskeletal conditions. The musculoskeletal toolkit is a simple step-by-step guide dealing with back, neck, muscle and joint pain at work.…

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CEO Update – March 2017

Two weeks into my role and I am delighted to be CEO of ARMA. I am a passionate believer in the power of alliances. Time and again I have seen the impact we can have when a sector speaks with one voice. In my last role I was vice chair of the Care and Support Alliance (CSA): 80 organisations representing older people, disabled people and carers. By working together the CSA had a big impact on the Care Act, the key piece of legislation covering social care.…

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Love your heart with NRAS

On Valentine’s Day, NRAS was delighted to announce its upcoming initiative called ‘Love Your Heart’ – an interactive online programme that will enable people with RA to assess their cardiovascular risk and set personal goals to improve their cardiovascular health.

NRAS has collaborated with Dr Holly John, Consultant Rheumatologist at Dudley General hospital to create this programme. It is currently in testing phase and will be launched in April 2017.

Read more about the project here.

The Love Your Heart’ logo is an animation.…

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