Raising awareness on World Osteoporosis Day

The National Osteoporosis Society has a busy few days in the run up to this year’s World Osteoporosis Day on 20th October generating lots of activity in the local and national press on the charity’s social media channels.

The day was also used to highlight progress of the charity’s A Message to My Younger Self Campaign after President Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall’s own message was reported in a number of newspapers including The Daily Telegraph and Woman & Home magazine.

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PMRGCAuk seeks new Chair of Trustees

Penny Denby will be stepping down in summer 2018 after three years as Chair of Trustees at Polymyalgia Rheumatica & Giant Cell Arteritis UK. 

The charity is looking to appoint a new Chair before Penny finishes her term, so that there can be a substantial handover period. 

PMRGCAuk is an ambitious charity that achieves a great deal with very limited resources. Their membership and profile are growing and this is very exciting time to be getting involved. The new Chair will work closely with the Director to play a leading role in the charity’s future development.…

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BSR’s UK Guideline for the Management of Adults with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

The first UK guideline on the care of adults with systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) was published by the British Society of Rheumatology at the start of October 2017. The clinical guideline is accredited by the National Institute for Health and care Excellence (NICE) which recognises robust, evidence-based and critically evaluated high-quality processes applied to developing a guideline. The eagerly anticipated guideline covers diagnosis, assessment, monitoring and treatment of patients with mild, moderate and severe lupus and is mainly for health professionals in secondary care.…

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Join with ARMA and make sure the MSK voice is loud enough to be heard

One of the challenges of promoting musculoskeletal health is the lack of profile in policy and amongst the public. This is where ARMA can really come into its own. By using the strength of our combined voice to amplify our key messages we can make more of an impact. You can join this combined voice and make us even more powerful.

It was great to see how many ARMA members supported the CSP’s initiative for older people’s day focused on falls prevention.…

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The BOA’s Four New Commissioning Guides

The British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) is pleased to announce the recent publication of four revised commissioning guides with the Royal College of Surgeons of England. These NICE-accredited guides set out best practice care pathways to assist CCGs in designing optimal care for their populations. We are extremely grateful to all those involved in the rigorous development and accreditation processes. The guides, which can be found here, are:

  • Pain Arising from the Hip in Adults
  • Painful Deformed Great Toe in Adults
  • Painful Osteoarthritis of the Knee
  • Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Following the recent BOA and ARMA position statements on the rationing of elective orthopaedic services, we are urging stakeholders to consider these guides and to promote their adoption wherever appropriate with local CCGs.…

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Get a grip on PIP

As an active member of the Disability Benefits Consortium (DBC), the Arthritis Research UK policy, campaigns and public affairs teams have worked closely with the Chairs of the coalition on the DBC’s new report. The report demonstrating the huge problems which many people experience when trying to access Personal Independence Payments, and includes statistics from the DBC Big Benefits Survey – with over 1500 responses specifically from people with musculoskeletal conditions- and an in depth case study provided by Arthritis Research UK about Debs, who had her PIP reduced and lost her Motability care as a result.…

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Rehab Matters – Raising the profile of community rehabilitation

Guest blog by Catherine Pope, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Chair.

Jane left hospital after a stroke and was seen promptly at home by a physiotherapist, who worked with other members of the multidisciplinary team to develop a plan for her recovery.

Members of that team visited regularly, and Jane made strong progress – supported by her husband, Robert – towards achieving her goal of getting back out into her garden and getting her green fingers dirty.

Meanwhile, another Jane, in another part of the country – perhaps even the neighbouring town – realised no such goal.…

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NASS starts the search for new Chief Executive

The National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society are sad to report that after six years with NASS as Chief Executive, Debbie Cook is moving on, out of the medical health sector. During her time with NASS Debbie has overseen the transformation of the charity into one that AS charities around the world aspire to emulate.

Her bold leadership and strong vision, whilst always remaining sensitive to the needs of the membership, have defined NASS’s approach and will set the tone for the future.

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October is Lupus Awareness Month

We would like to remind everyone that October is Lupus Awareness Month. Throughout the month LUPUS UK will be sharing facts, videos, information and case studies on social media. We would be very grateful to any organisations that can spread the word about our #THISISLUPUS campaign and direct people towards the LUPUS UK website for more information or support.

Three LUPUS UK Factsheets Revised and Updated

Three factsheets have recently been revised and updated to meet the requirements of The Information Standard.

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EDS UK launches free membership and toolkit for GPs

The Ehlers-Danlos Support UK (EDS UK) has launched free membership alongside a brand new website and logo. This is a major change for the charity in its 30th year and is intended to attract new supporters.

The website is kept up to date with news and the latest information on the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes as well as vital support. Have a look here: www.ehlers-danlos.org.


The charity is also proud to be working in partnership with the Royal College of GPs this year to create an EDS toolkit for GPs.…

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