New MSK at Work Network

Good musculoskeletal (MSK) health is integral to a full working life. The MSK at Work Network, established in 2019, aims to keep workers healthy via advocacy to: 

  • Policy makers (e.g. to mandate MSK at work strategies to support employees); 
  • Employers (e.g. to put in place MSK at work action linked with general work and health activities for employees); 
  • Health professionals (e.g. to ensure MSK at work is part of practice with patients) and 
  • Academics (e.g. to communicate MSK at work research and identify gaps).

Members of the Network include representatives from Charities (such as Versus Arthritis and NRAS), professional bodies and networks (such as the Council for Work and Health, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, and the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance), organisations such as The Work Foundation, the Institute of Occupational Medicine and ELC Works and Universities (including Manchester and Southampton).

If you would like to attend or join the Network or would like further details, please contact the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM).