Managing women of child bearing potential living with chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease
Wednesday 3 April 2019, 2.30pm-3.30pm
This webinar will cover why it is important to appropriately plan a patient’s pregnancy journey, to minimise disease activity to ensure an optimal outcome for mother and baby, and how healthcare professionals can ensure they initiate conversations around family planning at an early stage.
Disease onset for patients living with chronic inflammatory disease (RA, PSA, axSpA and PSO), tends to overlap with peak female reproductive ages. Currently, many women receive inconsistent advice regarding family planning and treatment options during pregnancy. It is important to plan with patients early on and to initiate the discussions even if the patient is not currently planning to get pregnant.
High-disease activity and certain medications (such as NSAIDs and high-dose corticosteroids) have been shown to affect fertility. Active disease is also associated with an increased risk of complications. Adequate disease control before and during pregnancy is crucial to ensure the best maternal and foetal health. Patients who are well controlled during pregnancy are in an optimal position to prepare for birth and breastfeeding.
The webinar will cover:
- Current challenges of family planning within this patient group.
- The need to encourage earlier family planning discussions between patients and health care providers, even if the patient is not currently planning to get pregnant.
- The importance of controlling the symptoms of disease/activity before, during and after pregnancy, to ensure optimal outcomes for mother and baby
- Current guidelines and evidence-based medicine in the management of young women in their journey through to motherhood.
Who should attend:
Healthcare professionals with patients living with chronic inflammatory disease including rheumatologists, nurses, GPs, gynaecologists, obstetricians, midwives, pharmacists.
Register in advance for this webinar:
If you can’t join live, sign-up to get a link to replay the webinar at a convenient time.
ARMA webinars are free to access thanks to the support of our partners. We would like to thank UCB for supporting this webinar who have had no editorial control/input in its development.
Professor Peter C. Taylor MA, BM, BCh, PhD, FRCP, FRCPE, Professor of Musculoskeletal Sciences, Oxford University;
Professor Catherine Nelson-Piercy MA FRCP FRCOG, Consultant Obstetric Physician, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals Trust and Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital.