Versus Arthritis courses, Mar-Apr 2025

  • Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care, Birmingham
  • Webinar: Is it inflammatory arthritis or fibromyalgia syndrome?
  • Webinar: MSK Bitesize

Versus Arthritis trainingCore Skills in Musculoskeletal Care Birmingham

This one day course is useful for Primary Care health professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal conditions. The course focuses on developing the practical skills required in a typical 10-minute consultation, focusing on the knee, shoulder and spine.

Key learning outcomes:

  • Gain confidence in taking an effective history from an MSK patient, including eliciting red flags and psychosocial flags.
  • Be able to demonstrate understanding of examination of the MSK patient, including the discriminating features of the examination.
  • Be able to formulate a management plan, including appropriate investigations, referral, safety net and follow-up.

The workshop is split into three main sections:

  • Low back pain and sciatica
  • Lower limb (with a focus on the knee)
  • Upper limb (with a focus on the shoulder)

Saturday 8th March 2025 9 – 5pm.
Birmingham Conference and events centre.
Cost £165

Book your place here

Versus Arthritis trainingWebinar: Is it inflammatory arthritis or fibromyalgia syndrome?

Differentiating between inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia is a difficult skill in a primary care setting with huge implications for the patient and the NHS. This webinar covers:

  • The clues in the history and examination that will help
  • How to use investigations sensibly and cost-effectively
  • How to communicate and explain the diagnosis
  • How to facilitate self-management, including various types of patient information.

Wednesday 19th March 6:30-8:30pm
Microsoft Teams

This webinar will be recorded and shared with delegates afterwards.
Book your place here

Versus Arthritis trainingWebinar: MSK Bitesize

A 3-hour webinar that focuses on different MSK conditions that can present in primary care, as well as a section about physical activity and the role it can play in preventing and managing MSK conditions and patients’ wellbeing. Topics covered include osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, myeloma, hypermobility, PMR, lupus and paediatric MSK.

Wednesday 30th April 6-9pm
Microsoft Teams

Book your place here

For more information about any of the training courses Versus Arthritis offer please email