PortsHosp Funky Gloves Day – Department of Rheumatology

The Department of Rheumatology at Portsmouth Hospitals Trust are looking for nimble-fingered knitters to get out the needles and wool and craft us some Funky Gloves. If knitting’s your passion, you could help to create some little amazing funky gloves for our Glove Sale on Wednesday 1st February 2017.

The event will be part of our “Wear your gloves” campaign to raise awareness of Raynauds.

Donations of knitted gloves can be dropped off in the Department of Rheumatology at Queen Alexandra Hospital any time up to the day of the 1st February 2017.…

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New Self-Management Event in Southampton

SME Southampton

Arthritis Action will be holding a new, two-day Self-Management Event on 14th and 15th February 2017, in Southampton.

We aim to help our attendees take control of the symptoms of their arthritis, covering topics such as:

  • The impact of physical therapies
  • How you can best manage your pain
  • The benefits of exercise and a healthy diet
  • Ways to work in partnership with healthcare professionals

This open event will be free of charge and refreshments will be provided.…

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Portsmouth Rheumatology Winter Newsletter

getting-to-grips-leafletports-winter-newsletter-coverThe Winter newsletter from the Department of Rheumatology, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, is out now.

It includes: tips and advice for keeping well; introducing new consultants; details of awards; a carer resource pack; drug documentation; fatigue advice; and the calendar of local events.

Click here to open the newsletter. [PDF, 931 KB]

Getting to Grips Programme

The Department is also pleased to announce that the successful “Getting to Grips with Arthritis and Connective Tissue Disease” programme will start at the Petersfield Community Hospital in October 2016.…

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Guest Blog: Looking back to move forward

Colin-Beevor-Guest-Blog-nlby Colin Beevor, Matron and Service Manager, Musculoskeletal OPD Services

They say “it’s good to talk” and after the inaugural ARMA Portsmouth Network Meeting, I would agree.

Although leading up to the event you are always worried that you will not get the numbers turning out – I’ll say here that planning was the key to success – I shouldn’t have worried. A small number of the ARMA Local network got behind the event, giving their support and assisting with the details.…

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