National Osteoporosis Society’s Clinical Update 2017

TREATMENT OF OSTEOPOROSIS – ‘When to start, when to stop and when to change?’
30th November 2017, NEC Birmingham

With a brand new and innovative format this event promises to provide multidisciplinary clinicians in England with the opportunity to discuss the treatment and management of osteoporosis. The Clinical Update will bring a series of interactive clinical case discussions to you, presented as part of an expert discussion panel. You can expect to hear and participate in lively debate around identifying the high-risk patient, treatment options for the atypical patient and considerations for duration of treatment.…

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‘A Message to my Younger Self’ campaign begins

The National Osteoporosis Society launched ‘A Message to My Younger Self’ – an awareness campaign about keeping bones strong and healthy – on 12th April which runs through World Osteoporosis Day on 20 October.

A survey conducted by the National Osteoporosis Society found four in 10 young adults have tried the fashionable ‘clean eating’ diets that often involve avoiding dairy, gluten, grain and sugar, while more than fifth had severely restricted their intake of milk and cheese. Fuelled by social media, the clean eating trend has surged in popularity in recent years, with some advocates achieving celebrity status with hundreds of thousands of followers.…

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NOS Fracture Liaison Services – a key and proven measure

Fracture Liaison Services hold key to addressing crisis in osteoporosis, attendees at National Osteoporosis conference hear
The growing crisis in osteoporosis causing 300,000 debilitating fractures and costing the NHS £1.9bn every year can be effectively addressed by implementing and improving Fracture Liaison Services throughout hospitals and clinics across the UK, attendees at the National Osteoporosis Society conference in Birmingham heard in November.
Dr Kassim Javaid, Consultant in Metabolic Medicine at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust – who spoke about Fracture Liaison Services at the conference – said: “The enormous personal cost of the often debilitating fractures caused by osteoporosis and the financial impact on our already under-pressure health service will only intensify as our population ages.…

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