New video: How to self-examine for tender and swollen joints in rheumatoid arthritis

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the delivery of healthcare services, creating challenges for healthcare professionals and people living with musculoskeletal conditions. Patients are increasingly required to monitor their own disease activity and report on their condition during remote or virtual consultations.

To address this, the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis has been working on the REmote MOnitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis (REMORA) study. REMORA is a smartphone app study that encourages people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to monitor and record their daily symptoms.…

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Free sport and exercise medicine seminars

Bookings are now open for an upcoming series of free sport and exercise medicine seminars delivered by the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine and the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine that will explore current issues relevant to all SEM practitioners.

Running every Thursday evening in April, the sessions will feature presentations from leading clinicians and academics as well as those with lived experience. Exploring the importance of physical activity in areas like COVID-19 recovery and mental health, these seminars will deliver engaging, informative content that will help improve your practice.…

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NOA webinar series events

The National Orthopaedic Alliance is running a series of webinars:

4 March 2021 – 12:30pm

NOA wellbeing webinar series: Supporting staff wellbeing during COVID-19 and beyond
(NOA member only event)

The first in NOA’s wellbeing webinar series looks at some of the challenges of and improvements to staff wellbeing during the pandemic at NOA member trusts. The session will be chaired by NOA Lead CEO, Jo Williams (Chief Executive, Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS FT). Further details about this NOA member only event: click here.…

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Key MSK COVID-19 resources

ARMA continues to keep our COVID-19 resources page up to date. There have been some new resources added in recent weeks and others have become more relevant as the pressure on the NHS increases. Here are some of the key resources to be aware of:-

Urgent and Emergency Musculoskeletal Conditions Requiring Onward Referral

The guidance supports primary and community care practitioners in recognising serious pathology which requires emergency or urgent referral to secondary care in a patient who presents with new or worsening MSK symptoms.…

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CEO update: Looking forward together

by Sue Brown, CEO ARMA

Here we are back in lockdown, with the NHS under even more pressure and MSK services severely impacted. COVID-19 response is still dominating the work of ARMA, although we are also progressing plans for other work in 2021. There are some different issues for MSK this time around, and vaccination currently dominates our work. When some people with MSK conditions are vaccinated, the timings of MSK treatment may need to be considered.

I am delighted that ARMA can host a document setting out the principles for these timing decisions.…

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Guest blog – Necessity: the mother of invention!

by Clare Jacklin, Chief Executive, National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS)

We have been in the grip of this pandemic now for over a year and I’m sure you are all feeling, like me, rather fed up of it! Perfectly understandable, but we must not lose sight of that light that is at the end of this dark tunnel; and we ARE getting ever closer. The one thing I am struggling to comprehend is this talk of ‘going back to normal’. It is NORMAL that got us into this situation in the first place!…

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NHFD Annual Report

The challenge of the next decade: are hip fracture services ready?

The National hip Fracture Database (NHFD) has recently released its latest annual report focussing on the six NHFD key performance indicators used to monitor and drive up standards across the country. 2020 will no doubt prove to be one of the most challenging years in the history of the NHS. This report also presents the first data about the effect of COVID-19 on trauma units around the country and on outcome for patients with hip fracture who have COVID-19 when admitted to hospital or develop it after their operation.…

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COVID-19 vaccination and MSK


Principles for COVID-19 Vaccination in Musculoskeletal and Rheumatology for Clinicians

(Version 12, 12 September 2022)

Amendment 12th September 2022: Document updated to include latest JCVI and NHSE guidance regarding autumn boosters using second generation bivalent COVID-19 vaccines and results of VROOM study (see section 23 and section 24 respectively)

Amendment 3rd April 2022: Document updated to include latest JCVI and NHSE guidance regarding spring 2022 boosters (see section 22)

Amendment 3rd December 2021: Document updated to include latest JCVI guidance regarding boosters for patients who were eligible for a third primary dose (see end of section 21)

Amendment 13 October 2021: Document updated to include revised BSR wording about third primary dose (section 20).

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FSEM Statement on Long Covid clinics

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (UK) has published a statement on the role SEM consultants can play in new NHS long Covid rehabilitation clinics being set up in England.

Read the statement here.

Sport and Exercise as the Elixir of Life: A webinar with Sir Muir Gray

Recently, FSEM (UK) and the National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine presented an inspiration seminar by Sir Muir Gray on the importance of physical activity.

You can watch the webinar on demand here.

The NOA welcomes webinar programme lead

Mr Cormac Kelly, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at National Orthopaedic Alliance (NOA) founder member organisation, The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, has joined the NOA as Webinar Programme Lead. Since April 2020, Mr Kelly has played an instrumental role in the delivery of NOA’s COVID-19 webinar series, which continues to provide topical virtual sessions to support NOA members and those across the wider orthopaedic network.

Read more on the NOA website.