NRAS Local Groups

NRAS local groups are a wonderful place to share knowledge, enjoy engaging events and find friendship with others who know what living with rheumatoid arthritis is like. By joining an NRAS local group, people can find support, enjoy activities and learn from expert speakers.

For more information on upcoming local events, visit the event page on

For more information on NRAS Local Groups and NRAS JoinTogether online groups, please visit the NRAS Connect with others page.

New app for virtual group exercise classes to support people living with arthritis

The pandemic has led to a backlog of people, primarily over 50s, who are in need of support to manage their condition due to a combination of physical inactivity and limited access to non-emergency appointments.

Those living with MSK conditions can find it challenging to exercise due to pain, fear of injury and low motivation. However physical activity can help to alleviate symptoms and improve mental health.

A new app designed to bring people together

The VCR project, running for twelve months, will be offering support to people in the form of peer-led, virtual group exercise classes delivered via a mobile app.…

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Arthritis Action launches virtual groups

To help people access peer support whilst at home during the coronavirus outbreak, Arthritis Action is running a series of online group meetings. These will give people the opportunity to share their hints, tips and experiences with others about how they are managing their arthritis to include staying active at home, hobbies people are enjoying and local support available.

These meetings are taking place over Zoom. If you know of anybody who would like further information about this, please email

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You are not alone; keep active, stay connected

Mr Jones is 72 today. A few years ago, he would have celebrated with friends in the pub, but now the pain in his back makes is hard to go out and he gets tired quickly. So, he’s at home watching TV while his wife cooks a meal. He spends a lot of time watching TV and his back seems to be getting worse, but his GP says there is nothing she can do for him but being more active will help.…

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Arthur’s Place: introducing “Project Mum”

Arthur’s Place has created and launched “Project Mum” a support kit for young women with arthritis and related conditions, those who are considering becoming mothers in future, women who are currently pregnant and new mums. There will be advice for Dads-to-be and partners too, with or without arthritis.

Project Mum includes invaluable advice from health professionals, including consultant rheumatologists, nurse specialists, midwives, a physiotherapist, occupational therapist and three clinical psychologists. Arthur’s Place is also tremendously proud to include personal shared tips and advice from more experienced mums at Arthur’s Social: the Facebook community.…

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Portsmouth Flare Rollercoaster workshop

Flare Roller Coaster for People Living with Arthritis and Connective Tissue Diseases

The Next Rheumatology Flare Roller Coaster workshop will be held on Saturday 3rd February 2018, from 09:30 -13:00.
Venue: Fracture Clinic – C Level, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Cosham PO6 3LY

Places are limited so please register early.

To book your place or receive more information, email: or telephone 02392286935

For frequently asked questions about our Flare Rollercoaster workshop, please see our leaflet [PDF].

If you have arthritis or a connective tissue disease, the festive period can be tough.…

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DaM-it Arthritis Family Fun Day at Center Parcs Longleat

A fun-packed day for all

On Sunday 22nd October 2017, the Department of Rheumatology staff hosted more than fifteen tables for children’s games and crafts – f rom Dominos, colouring to ghostly table lights, and homemade first aid kits – whilst Dads and Mums living with arthritis and connective tissues attended a number of short presentations aimed at providing help and advice:

  • Strategies for coping with a diagnosis and moving forward
  • How to manage family life work and arthritis and connective tissue diseases
  • Incorporating the benefits for staying active and eating healthily

The DaM-it Arthritis project is funded through the Department of Rheumatology’s charitable funds and non-conditional educational grants, offering free events to support the community of Dads and Mums affected by Arthritis and Connective Tissue Diseases and their families.…

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Flare Rollercoaster workshop, Portsmouth

Arthritis and Connective Tissue Disease flares are normal but do have an impact on every aspect of your life. In simple terms a flare can be described as “a sudden increased severity in symptoms that can hit at any time”.

For many patients having a flare is disheartening, they feel that they have been managing their arthritis/connective tissue disease well and doing all the right things by taking their medication regularly and maintaining a healthy balance of exercise and activity, then one day they wake up and feel like it was all for nothing.…

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Portsmouth and South East Hampshire update

Read the Summer-Autumn 2017 update newsletter from the Department of Rheumatology at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, and the Portsmouth ARMA Network, which features:

  • Events and conference details
  • Flu and Pneumonia vaccination dates
  • “No Time for Pain” Patient-Carer workshop
    – discussing strategies for managing chronic and persistent pain associated to your Arthritis and Connective Tissue Disease with Partners/Family/Carers encouraged to attend as guests
  • “Tired of Being Tired” course
    – a 7 week programme exploring different self-management and relaxation techniques to improve quality of life


Alongside the update are the fliers and forms related to upcoming events –

Day to Day Living with Arthritis and Connective Tissues Diseases Conference 2017:

Programme for healthcare professionals with registration form.…

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Arthritis support groups in Wales, Aug-Dec 2017

Upcoming North Wales support group meetings for people with arthritis and chronic pain.


7th August 2017
4th September 2017
2nd October 2017
6th November 2017
4th December 2017

Holywell Community Hospital, North Wales.
The meeting room is behind the cafe and opposite the reception area.

Open full-size and save the flyer for more details, or see the North Wales Arthritis & Chronic Pain Support Group Facebook page.