Public Health England has published two documents related to MSK prevention. The first is a whole-system strategic framework for prevention of musculoskeletal conditions across the life-course. The purpose is to provide stakeholders and system collaborators with a clear statement of PHE, NHS England and Versus Arthritis’ commitments to promote MSK health and to prevent MSK conditions. Each collaborating organisation, including ARMA, has identified what they will be contributing, and in some cases, leading on.
The document contains information about a range of MSK prevention activities and links to resources and tools to help prevention activity.
Alongside this is an MSK prevention logic model which provides an overview of the programme vision: help maintain and improve the musculoskeletal health of the population in England (across the life-course), supporting people to live with good lifelong MSK health and freedom from pain and disability which will be delivered by system partners and collaborators within 5 years.