Patient Voices in Rheumatology

27th June 2025
The University of Chicago Booth, London

This one-day conference represents novel approach from the BSR education committee to bring a different type of expert to the lectern as part of a new format that uses patient stories and perspectives to deliver a fresh narrative to clinical learning. These key areas are often neglected when it comes to continuing professional development offerings. In patient-centred care, experiences, both positive and negative, need to be integral to how we learn as healthcare professionals, and how we are inspired to build and deliver our services.

The conference will focus on four key areas:

  • Communication
  • Disability and diversity
  • Shared decision-making and patient empowerment
  • Engaging patients in service design

Sessions will be delivered by experts experienced in involving patients both in service design and delivery, alongside patients and advocates who will provide fresh and illuminating perspectives.

Book now.

Use PATIENTVOICES20 for an early bird 20% discount by Friday 2nd May!