Right Start
The NRAS New2RA Right Start service supports people newly diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis to understand their diagnosis and how it is likely to affect them. Getting the right, supportive start can help people to make adjustments to their behaviour, lifestyle and health beliefs and understand why self-management is essential, and learn how to make those important first steps to managing their disease effectively.
Further information can be accessed on the NRAS New2RA Right Start service page. This service is essential during this time for those newly diagnosed during the COVID-19 crisis, offering extra support when appointments are being delayed.
NRAS Website chatbot
The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) and earthware are pleased to announce a partnership to deliver a new patient-support chatbot.
The chatbot will be available on the NRAS website and will help answer questions from its visitors, ensuring easier navigation to information available. For more information visit the NRAS partnership press release.