New report from industry Medical Technology Group finds hip replacements will save the UK economy £700m

A not-for-profit organisation comprising patient groups, research charities and medical device manufacturers– the Medical Technology Group – released a report on 29 November 2017 called ‘Keeping Britain Working: How medical technology can help reduce the cost of ill health to the UK economy

This report updated the 2011 report by the Work Foundation into the value of Medical Technology to society and identified how better use of medical technology can help the Government save up to £476m in welfare spending through improved use of medical technology.

The report looks at eight clinical areas including orthopaedics where it says that hip replacements will save the UK economy £700 million over next ten. Using this report the MTG will campaign for the NHS to take into account the wider societal benefits of technology when they look at giving patient’s access to technology. The MTG will be promoting this report to a wide range of stakeholders, including Government Ministers and MPs as well as the media. We would like your help in ensuring the report gets as much attention as possible.