LUPUS Transition to adult care booklet

document coverLupus UK Youth is pleased to launch a new booklet to support and prepare young people with lupus during the transition from paediatrics to adult services. It is based on the T-KASH (Transition Knowledge and Skills in Healthcare) model developed by young people with lived experience from Alström Syndrome UK, and includes tips and a workbook format to help young people think through their individual transition journey.

As lupus is a life-long condition, effective transition from paediatric to adult services is a vital part of healthcare for young people with lupus. However, the levels of support and the processes for transition can vary across different areas. We hope this booklet is a good first step in equipping young people with the knowledge they need to understand transition and what may be important for them, as individuals, in their own transition journey.

The booklet is available free of charge to anyone in the UK. You can download a digital copy from the Lupus UK Youth website, or order a paper copy from National Office via or 01708 731251