ARMA response to the Darzi report

ARMA logo12/9/24

The Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) welcomes the publication of the Darzi report recognising the serious and widespread problems in the NHS. In particular we welcome the recognition of the need for an increased focus on community services and prevention.

As Lord Darzi recognises in his report, Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are one of the biggest causes of people being unable to work due to ill health in the UK. A significant proportion of this MSK ill health is preventable and community MSK services are vital to supporting all those with MSK conditions.

Our economic recovery requires us to rebalance the NHS in the way that Lord Darzi suggests. It also requires a focus on keeping the nation healthy, not just living longer in ill health. A focus on MSK health is essential to enable more people to live active, productive and fulfilling lives.

We welcome the Prime Minister’s commitment to fundamental reform and a new long-term plan for the NHS. The professional bodies and patient organisations that make up ARMA’s membership are ready to support in developing reforms which will ensure that plan gives the people of the UK the NHS they expect.

However, that plan must be backed by investment. Reform alone cannot reverse the 15 years of austerity and under investment that Darzi cites as a major reason for the NHS being in this critical position. Government had the courage to commission this independent investigation into the state of the NHS. It must now have the courage to act on the findings in their entirety.