Covid-19 Health Profession organisations’ resources

We’ve received some specific online resources from our alliance members from health profession organisations, listed below.

British Orthopaedic Association: (select from the carousel)

Chartered society of Physiotherapy:

CSP remote working resource:

Institute of Osteopathy:


You can also check the websites of all our healthcare profession members here.

Covid-19 Information for children and young people

Children with a musculoskeletal condition and their parents are understandably concerned about coronavirus (covid-19) and their wellbeing. The following websites may be useful.

Scottish Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology Network (SPARN)
Information for parents and patients on children and young people and Coronavirus (Covid-19):

Children’s Chronic Arthritis Association (Kids with Arthritis incorporating JIA Matters)
Facebook group:

COVID-19 Information for people with MSK

[Editor’s note: this post was published in March 2020 and has not been updated since. For more up-to-date reading, please refer to this COVID-19 Information page, which has been updated as new data and resources have come to light.]

Many NHS staff who would normally answer calls from patients are redeployed to the fight against coronavirus (covid-19). Patient charities continue to experience high volumes of calls from concerned people with musculoskeletal conditions. Patient charities are responding with specific information and guidance, including virtual Q&A and risk calculators.…

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COVID-19 / Coronavirus info

Last updated 8/11/22

This page lists the most relevant information we can find on COVID-19 relevant to people with MSK conditions. We update this page as new information becomes available. It includes information for professionals, patients, parents and guidance for Wales and Scotland.

Six key resources for MSK.

Key resources

Latest advice for England.

Good communication with patients whose planned care has been disrupted by COVID-19.

Guidance on those eligible for free lateral flow testing in England after 1 April

Government announcement 

Covid-19 community based treatments

Access community-based treatments for coronavirus (COVID-19) updated 6 September 2022

How to access treatments and prescription charges

COVID-19 Therapeutics Clinical Review Panel will determine which at-risk patient cohorts could be eligible for COVID-19 therapies.…

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You are not alone; keep active, stay connected

Mr Jones is 72 today. A few years ago, he would have celebrated with friends in the pub, but now the pain in his back makes is hard to go out and he gets tired quickly. So, he’s at home watching TV while his wife cooks a meal. He spends a lot of time watching TV and his back seems to be getting worse, but his GP says there is nothing she can do for him but being more active will help.…

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New how-to guide: non face-to-face clinics

The NHS Long Term Plan includes commitments to remove the need for up to a third of outpatient appointments over the next five years, saving patients 30 million trips to hospital and the NHS more than £1 billion a year in new expenditure, and to continue to provide patients with a wide choice of options for quick elective care. ARMA hosted a webinar recently on this in relation to rheumatology services.

This new website from UCL Partners includes a range of resources aimed at supporting colleagues / partners in the planning and implementation of non face-to-face models of care.…

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Latest Productive Healthy Ageing Profile

Public Health England has published the Productive Healthy Ageing Profile data update for November 2019.

This tool provides data on a wide range of topics relevant to healthy ageing. Indicators can be examined at local, regional or national level.

The aim of this tool is to support PHE productive healthy ageing policy and inform public health leads and the wider public health system about relevant key issues.

Many indicators are also now available for the latest local authority and clinical commissioning group geographies.  

Quality in osteopathic practice report

The Quality in Osteopathic Practice report brings together existing research around the patient experience with research on clinical effectiveness and the safety of osteopathic practice.

Full of useful statistics and information, the report is relevant to anyone who has an interest in finding out more about osteopathic practice and the evidence that there is available, whether as a patient or a member of the wider general public, a private or NHS commissioner of service or other colleagues in healthcare.

Read the Quality in Osteopathic Practice report from the Institute of Osteopathy.

BASRAT Sport Rehabilitation brought to life

BASRaT registrar Ollie Coburn has produced a short video illustrating his profession.

Sport Rehabilitators aid people with musculoskeletal pain, injury or illness. They help people to maintain their health and fitness, recover from and prevent injury and reduce pain using exercise, movement and therapy.

The video “Sport Rehabilitation brought to life in 38 seconds!” can be viewed here.