Inclusion Health: applying All Our Health

Public Health England

Inclusion Health: applying All Our Health

Published 11 January 2021

Published by Public Health England, this guide is part of ‘All Our Health’, a resource that helps health and care professionals prevent ill health and promote wellbeing as part of their everyday practice. The information below will help front-line health and care staff use their trusted relationships with individuals, families and communities to take action on inclusion health.

‘Inclusion health’ is a catch-all term used to describe people who are socially excluded, typically experience multiple overlapping risk factors for poor health (such as poverty, violence and complex trauma), experience stigma and discrimination, and are not consistently accounted for in electronic records (such as healthcare databases).…

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Royal College of GPs and EDS toolkit

by Ehlers-Danlos Support UK

We were very disappointed to be told just before Christmas that the Royal College of GPs (RCGP) wanted to withdraw the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) toolkit for GPs. The College planned to remove the toolkit from the RCGP website at the end of January. The RCGP cited pressure on its limited resources as a result of the pandemic and contention around the toolkit from various sources as reasons for its decision. While we understood that the College wanted to prioritise use of its resources, the move would have been a huge backwards step for people with EDS and related conditions.…

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NHFD Annual Report

The challenge of the next decade: are hip fracture services ready?

The National hip Fracture Database (NHFD) has recently released its latest annual report focussing on the six NHFD key performance indicators used to monitor and drive up standards across the country. 2020 will no doubt prove to be one of the most challenging years in the history of the NHS. This report also presents the first data about the effect of COVID-19 on trauma units around the country and on outcome for patients with hip fracture who have COVID-19 when admitted to hospital or develop it after their operation.…

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COVID-19 vaccination and MSK


Principles for COVID-19 Vaccination in Musculoskeletal and Rheumatology for Clinicians

(Version 12, 12 September 2022)

Amendment 12th September 2022: Document updated to include latest JCVI and NHSE guidance regarding autumn boosters using second generation bivalent COVID-19 vaccines and results of VROOM study (see section 23 and section 24 respectively)

Amendment 3rd April 2022: Document updated to include latest JCVI and NHSE guidance regarding spring 2022 boosters (see section 22)

Amendment 3rd December 2021: Document updated to include latest JCVI guidance regarding boosters for patients who were eligible for a third primary dose (see end of section 21)

Amendment 13 October 2021: Document updated to include revised BSR wording about third primary dose (section 20).

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Urgent and Emergency Musculoskeletal Conditions Requiring Onward Referral

Updated guidance was published in December to support primary and community care practitioners in recognising serious pathology which requires emergency or urgent referral to secondary care in people with new or worsening MSK symptoms. Serious pathology as a cause of MSK conditions is considered rare, but it needs to be managed either as an emergency or as urgent onward referral as directed by local pathways. Any part of the MSK system can be affected.

Emergency conditions are serious pathologies which must be dealt with on the day as an emergency.…

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Upcoming NASS self-management sessions

The next NASS Facebook Live sessions:

  • Thursday 23 February 2023, 18.00: High-Intensity Interval Training session with Josh Poole, Senior Physiotherapist; and
  • Wednesday, 1 March, 13.00: Talking to friends and family about your axial SpA with Zoë Clark, NASS Senior Self-management Programme Officer.

To watch live, visit the NASS Facebook page at the time of the live session. (If you can’t see the video, refresh your page.)

The NASS Facebook Live sessions have been running for about three years now, helping people to manage their axial SpA (AS) in unprecedented times and beyond.…

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NRAS New2RA and Chatbot

New2RA Right Start

The NRAS New2RA Right Start service supports people newly diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis to understand their diagnosis and how it is likely to affect them. Getting the right, supportive start can help people to make adjustments to their behaviour, lifestyle and health beliefs and understand why self-management is essential, and learn how to make those important first steps to managing their disease effectively.

Further information can be accessed on the NRAS New2RA Right Start service page. This service is essential during this time for those newly diagnosed during the COVID-19 crisis, offering extra support when appointments are being delayed.…

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FSEM Staying Active at Home resources

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (UK) has updated their Staying Active at Home resources to include a series of short videos introducing some simple exercises that can be carried out at home, and which are particularly suitable for people who are older or have long-term health conditions. They include exercises that can be performed while sitting, standing, walking or lying down, and were produced with the help of Pure Sports Medicine.

You can watch the videos on our Youtube channel, or find the full set of Staying Active at Home resources on the FSEM website.

Fibromyalgia and coronavirus information page

People with fibromyalgia are finding themselves wondering whether they are more at risk of getting Coronavirus, as are other chronically ill and healthy people. The lack of clarity over the origin of our condition does not help in these circumstances. The government uses broad categories to inform people and control risk to vulnerable people. But these broad categories are collecting people and inflaming their anxiety, which does not help their chronic condition.

FMA UK has created a webpage that will be regularly updated to point to latest government guidelines and specific information for people with fibromyalgia.…

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NRAS: Coronavirus and RA

Many people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and their families will be concerned about how the Coronavirus (COVID-19) affects them. NRAS has provided a summary of all the important information that you need to know about Coronavirus and rheumatoid arthritis, including:

    • What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Links to official information

NRAS Live: Ask your questions

Starting from 19th March 2020, NRAS will be hosting regular Q&A webinar sessions to address as many of your concerns and questions around Rheumatoid Arthritis and COVID-19 as possible.…

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