New paper shows impact and value of community-based MSK care

A paper evaluating the effectiveness of the ESCAPE-pain programme delivered in community centres – “Communitybased care for people with chronic knee and hip pain: Preliminary clinical outcomes and healthcare utilisation for ESCAPEpain” – shows the positive impact of the programme on levels of participant activity. Before the programme, only 24% of participants were classified as ‘fairly active/active’ (doing more than 30 minutes of activity per week); after the programme, 78% were classified as ‘fairly active/active’; 6 months later, 69% were still ‘fairly active/active’.…

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Musculoskeletal orthopaedic approach to referral optimisation

MSK flow chartNHS England has published Musculoskeletal orthopaedic approach to referral optimisation, a guidance document developed by the Outpatient Recovery and Transformation Programme (OPRT) and BestMSK Health Collaborative.

This guidance describes the benefits of referral optimisation in adult services managing musculoskeletal conditions, focusing on the use of specialist advice to enable people to be seen by the right person, at the right time and in the right place.

It makes the case for change to sustain high quality care, manage risk and optimise capacity across primary, community and secondary care MSK services.…

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Airing Pain: Childhood Pain – Adverse Experiences

Childhood painThe new edition of Airing Pain explores the relationship between childhood trauma and chronic pain in adolescence and adulthood. Episode 140 is about how early childhood experiences and trauma in formative years can cause changes on a structural and functional level in the brain that can predispose young people to pain alongside a wide range of health conditions.

It is now available to listen to here.
The full transcript is available online to download, as well as a captioned video on Youtube.…

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Osteopaths and their work in public health

iO banner RSPH

Daniel McCarthy, Professional Development Manager at the iO, has recently worked with the Royal Society for Public Health to promote the role of the osteopathic profession in public health matters.

A resource has been created in the Allied Health Professions Hub; this new infographic illustrates how an osteopaths role integrates within public health, accompanied by a profession descriptor. Download these free materials today.

Axial SpA and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

gut painIn June, in collaboration with Crohn’s & Colitis UK, and with support from the British Society for Gastroenterology (BSG), NASS launched the findings from their landscape review into diagnosing axial SpA in people living with inflammatory bowel disease.

As part of the NASS Act on axial SpA campaign, lunched in June 2021, we developed a 22-question survey in conjunction with key clinical advisors, Crohn’s & Colitis UK and BSG. There are two major themes emerging from this analysis to help ensure swift recognition, identification, and referral of suspected axial SpA: education and joint working with rheumatology.…

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Join the Peer-to-Peer Network for axial SpA

Act on AxialSpaNASS has set up a Peer-to-Peer Network open to any healthcare professional working in axial SpA, whether in the NHS or private practice.

It’s an informal but structured group, providing the opportunity to link with others, share good practice and discuss ideas. 

There are two ways to be involved: we’ll be monthly webinars from September, plus quarterly newsletters in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Find out more here, where you can also find details of our toolkit for health professionals and how to apply for the first ever Changemaker Awards.

New Pregnancy Questionnaire Tool

Overcoming concerns and identifying those who should seek medical advice before exercise

The Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy identifies the small number of individuals who should seek medical advice as a first step to becoming or continuing to be physically active during pregnancy, and to help the majority of healthy pregnant individuals overcome any concerns they have with getting or staying active.

Sport Rehabilitator Marlize De Vivo collaborated with this effort which recognises the importance of continued physical activity and acknowledges the role of healthcare and qualified exercise professionals in facilitating an active pregnancy:

“Is it safe for me?…

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