Gloucestershire Cryotherapy trial following knee surgery

knee surgeryRecovery from knee replacement surgery can be delayed by pain and swelling caused by the operation. Encouraging range of movement and mobilisation as soon as possible after surgery is part of the ‘Enhanced Recovery after Surgery’ pathway at Cheltenham General Hospital.

Thanks to a grant from the Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust (GAT), and in partnership with PhysioLab Technologies who have designed an innovative cryotherapy system, Orthopaedic Surgeon Peter Kempshall will undertake a pilot study of 200 knee replacement patients to undergo cryotherapy postoperatively, starting in July.…

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University of Derby chronic pain study

Sukhjeen Kaur, a student researcher at the University of Derby is inviting people to take part in an online study which aims to investigate treatment adherence of people living with chronic pain. This will include studying two different populations: White-British and South Asian. Participants will need to be 18+, living with chronic pain for more than three months and identify as part of the White-British or South Asian community.

The researchers are conducting this study to understand the behavioural differences in cultural groups within the UK and if this impacts their attitudes towards chronic pain treatment.…

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What do patients value in healthcare services?

NASS bannerNASS is working on a piece of research with Headstrong Thinking. They want to know what people value in their health services, from the time they first visit a health professional with symptoms of axial SpA, to long term management of their condition.

NASS wants to reach as many people as possible at every point of their journey. If you are treating someone with, or that you suspect might have axial SpA, please do share the Patient Values Survey with them.

Outcomes from AHP student placements

Innovative multi-professional student placement project shows positive outcomes

A pilot in Allied Health Professions student placements, funded by Health Education England and facilitated by the Institute of Osteopathy, has shown how an innovative interprofessional approach can deliver positive outcomes for students and educators, ultimately facilitating improved patient outcomes through the delivery of multi-disciplinary care.

Read more on the iO website.

MELODY – Investigating COVID-19 vaccine efficacy in immunocompromised people

A new national trial is recruiting people with rare autoimmune diseases to measure their COVID-19 antibody response following at least 3 vaccinations.

The MELODY study is recruiting immunocompromised people to determine the antibody levels they develop in response to COVID-19 vaccination.

The MELODY study aims to:

  1. Assess how many immunocompromised people have detectable antibodies against COVID-19 following at least 3 vaccines;
  2. Investigate whether a lack of detectable antibodies is associated with risk of infection over a 6-month period;
  3. Investigate what factors are associated with lack of detectable antibodies in immunocompromised people.

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Psoriatic Arthritis PSP infographic

Final update on the James Lind Alliance Psoriatic Arthritis Priority Setting Partnership

During the last two years the researchers running the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership have explored unmet needs in psoriatic arthritis, determining what is important for people living with psoriatic arthritis, their families and carers, and the healthcare professionals treating them. The project is now complete.

The results from this project will be used to guide future research. This infographic [opens in PDF] summarizes the project and its findings.…

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Psychosocial factors and workplace MSK report

Psychosocial risks and work-related musculoskeletal disorders: exploring the links and prevention strategies

A new report explores the connections between psychosocial factors and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace using data from the latest European Working Conditions Survey and European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks.

It finds that some psychosocial factors — such as working time, job security and support from management — have more of an impact on MSDs than factors related to socio-demographics, country or economic sector.…

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£4 million research funding opportunity

The Nuffield Foundation, in partnership with Versus Arthritis, has announced £4 million for new research funding to improve the social and economic wellbeing of people living with musculoskeletal conditions in the UK. Applicants should develop interdisciplinary proposals that can help identify, develop and enhance non-clinical policy and practice interventions.

The deadline for outline applications is 14 March 2022.
Find out more and apply via the Nuffield Foundation website.

APPG for Osteoporosis and Bone Health Inquiry Report

osteoporosis reportThe All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Osteoporosis and Bone Health published a report into the long-standing postcode lottery in the NHS for osteoporosis care. The report highlights the scale of under-diagnosis, under-treatment and missed opportunities in the NHS, with a blueprint for change. Implementation of the blueprint in England and Wales could save the NHS around £287m over five years – a return on investment of around 3:1 – according to the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS), which has supported the Inquiry.…

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Brace Yourself! PROP-OA knee pain trial

How a research trial will support people living with knee pain and osteoarthritis though advice, exercise and knee braces

Knee pain affects one in four people over 45 years in the UK. The most common cause is osteoarthritis, but many people will suffer without getting the diagnosis.

Osteoarthritis and its symptoms vary a lot and negatively affect people’s daily lives. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but with treatment, symptoms can be improved and allow people to stay active.

Wearing a knee brace is one of the options that could help by reducing the load going through the joint and improving its stability.…

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