Research opportunities with ORUK

ORUK logoOrthopaedic Research UK aims to fill the most important gaps in research funding in bone, joint and muscle well-being. They fund innovative research projects in the UK that expand knowledge, improve patient outcomes and pioneer new forms of diagnosis and treatment. 

To find out more about ORUK’s latest joint funding opportunities for the MSK community please visit the Joint Partnership Funds page on the website.

What do A.S. patients value and need?

New research from NASS reveals what patients with axial SpA value during diagnosis, treatment and care 

The National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (NASS) has released the findings of its latest research initiative in a report titled ‘What do patients value and need in the diagnosis, treatment and care of axial spondyloarthritis?’ 

The research set out to understand the needs and values of people living with axial SpA in diagnosing and managing the condition and to assess the extent to which these are reflected in people’s experiences of services.…

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Airing Pain podcast episode: mental defeat

Pain Concern has announced their new podcast episode: Warwick Study of Mental Defeat in Chronic Pain.

Airing Pain #134 description:
What is mental defeat and does it have an impact on the experiences of those living with pain?

In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul Evans interviews the team at the Warwick Study of Mental Defeat in Chronic Pain (WITHIN Project) and research participants, as well as taking part in the study as a participant himself. The study, which runs until May 2023, is investigating how mental defeat can influence pain sensation, sleep patterns, social activity, physical activity and the general health of individuals who have chronic pain.…

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Failings in osteoporosis diagnosis and care

Parliamentary inquiry finds systemic failings in osteoporosis diagnosis and care 

On Wednesday 30 November 2022, staff members, volunteers and trustees from the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) joined Parliamentarians in Westminster to launch a report based on the findings of the AllParty Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Osteoporosis and Bone Health’s inquiry into primary care. 

Primary care is the front door to the NHS, with GPs playing a vital role in identifying people at high risk of breaking bones before they happen.…

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New evidence of MSK podiatry services effectiveness

RCPod logoThe Royal College of Podiatry publishes new evidence toolkit showing the effectiveness of musculoskeletal Podiatry services.

In November, the Royal College of Podiatry (RCPod) published a new evidence toolkit showing the effectiveness of MSK Podiatry services across the four nations of the UK, detailing the changes MSK services can make to patients’ health, function, and quality of life.

The toolkit:

  • identifies the ideal referral and patient journey;
  • reviews the impact of MSK Podiatry treatment on patients;
  • provides case studies to show examples of best practice;
  • uses evidence to outline the costs of running an MSK Podiatry service and;
  • provides evidence on the most effective treatments for many MSK conditions.

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Orthopaedic Research UK and Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowship 2022

DJT and ORUK FellowshipOrthopaedic Research UK and Daphne Jackson Trust Fellowship 2022

Orthopaedic Research UK is delighted to be partnering with Daphne Jackson Trust to support returners to MSK research following a career break of two years or more taken for a family, caring or health reason.

Applications are invited for a three-year Daphne Jackson Fellowship co-sponsored by Orthopaedic Research UK to be held at any UK university or research establishment.

The Fellowship is intended for orthopaedic scientists and musculoskeletal allied health professionals who want to return to their research careers.…

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FOREUM calls for research proposals on e-Health

foreum squareE-Health concerns the use of information technology to deliver the efficacy and improvement of health care systems and services. FOREUM (Foundation for Research in Rheumatology) has launched a call for research proposals on e-Health that focus on stimulating application-driven research and innovations that can improve both individual and population health of people living with RMDs.

Studies should be the impactful integration of technology into care for people living with RMDs rather than new hard or software and will also be evaluated for sustainability in long-term patient care.…

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AI in Orthopaedics Policy Paper

ORUK Policy Paper logoORUK’s AI in Orthopaedics Policy Paper was launched at its AI in Orthopaedics conference at the Royal College of Surgeons of England – the first national conference in the UK dedicated to the role of AI within orthopaedics.

The paper makes a case for the important role that AI can play in improving clinical performance and patient outcomes, especially when used to analyse and interpret the vast amount of data that is generated within orthopaedics.

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Fibromyalgia healthcare research

A new research study aims to better understand how people with Fibromyalgia experience healthcare. In particular the impact of having the diagnosis and any experience of stigma within the health services.

The study is open to anyone over 18 with Fibromyalgia and is being carried out by the University of Sheffield alongside the University Medical Centre Groningen (NL) and Pain Alliance Europe. For full details on how to participate please see the project website.  

NASS seeks partner to co-design integrated pilot

NASS invites expressions of interest to co-design and test an Integrated Pilot as part of the implementation of our Gold Standard Time to Diagnosis for axial SpA.

Do you want to be at the forefront of ending the delay to diagnosis in axial SpA?

In June 2021, the National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (NASS) published a route map to achieve a Gold Standard Time to Diagnosis of one year through the Act on Axial SpA campaign. The route map proposes four key interventions for achieving this goal.…

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