Pain Alliance Europe Chronic Pain Survey

The Pain Alliance Europe is inviting people with chronic pain or their caregivers to take part in their 2021 survey on diagnosis and treatment. It’s available in 15 languages.

This is a second version of the survey The Pain Alliance Europe conducted in 2017. It will compare the responses from four years ago with the situation now, to see if there have been improvements over time.

PAE will use the survey results as a snapshot of the lives of people with chronic pain across Europe – the picture may vary from country to country.…

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Warwick study of mental defeat in chronic pain (WITHIN study)

Do you have chronic pain?
Volunteers are needed to take part in psychological research which aims to help explain distress and disability in chronic pain.

The WITHIN Study is funded by the Medical Research Council and is investigating to what extent mental defeat explains variations in pain severity, distress, and disability in the long term in patients with chronic pain.

If you are interested in taking part in the online questionnaire, complete the screening questionnaire to see if you are eligible.…

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NRAS #WearPurpleForJIA – Wellbeing week

The last year has been a difficult one for most children so NRAS will be having a #WearPurpleForJIA Wellbeing Week on 14th-18th June. Each day during the week children and young people with JIA will be offered wellbeing classes including art, yoga, photography, dance and a relaxation/mental health class. In the evenings NRAS is hosting Facebook Live sessions discussing all things JIA and one where the children can ask the healthcare professionals questions.

It would be lovely to have you all involved to help raise awareness that children and young people can get arthritis too.…

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HMSA local groups update

HMSA local groups are still meeting virtually and this month’s theme is “Hobbies and Achievements”. It’s where the group get to share what they do for hobbies and explain how they overcome any obstacles with physical restrictions. It’s a bit of a ‘show and tell’ meeting and it’s always great to see how talented and inventive the participants are!

Here are the meeting dates for April:




Group email address


11/4 & 24/4

2:00 PM



10:30 AM

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Survey findings from NRAS

Summary of article published in Rheumatology Advances in Practice on 5 January, 2021

“Disease impact of rheumatoid arthritis in patients not treated with advanced therapies; survey findings from the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society”

Authors: Elena Nikiphorou, Hannah Jacklin, Ailsa Bosworth, Clare Jacklin, Patrick Kiely


In 2020, NRAS conducted a survey amongst its members and non-members who had RA with a disease duration more than 2 years, who were not on advanced therapies (i.e. biologic/biosimilar or targeted synthetic DMARDs (JAK inhibitors)), with the aim of revealing the everyday impact of living with RA in people not treated with advanced therapies.…

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Edgar Stene Prize Winner

Every year, the Edgar Stene Prize is awarded to the person with a rheumatic or musculoskeletal disease (RMD) submitting the best essay describing their individual experience of living with their condition. The winner of the Edgar Stene Prize 2021 writing on the topic, “How digital solutions benefit my life as a person with an RMD”, is Ms Stine Bjørk Brøndum Jefsen from Denmark. She will attend the Virtual EULAR Congress 2021. The second place is awarded this year to Ms Sunčica Đorđević from Serbia and third place goes to Ms Penka Velkova from Bulgaria.…

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Living with a stranger – ‘The Uninvited Guest’ in the time of COVID

Guest blog by Emily Earle

Emily’s 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with JIA in 2010 at the age of 2. Emily now volunteers for the charity ‘CCAA – Kids with Arthritis’ running their local area network of support groups. CCAA offers support to children with JIA and their families across England and Wales.

Life with a child who has a medical condition can be challenging at any time. Families usually manage because we have to. Quite simply, we do not get the choice to say: ‘No thanks!…

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New video: How to self-examine for tender and swollen joints in rheumatoid arthritis

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the delivery of healthcare services, creating challenges for healthcare professionals and people living with musculoskeletal conditions. Patients are increasingly required to monitor their own disease activity and report on their condition during remote or virtual consultations.

To address this, the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis has been working on the REmote MOnitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis (REMORA) study. REMORA is a smartphone app study that encourages people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to monitor and record their daily symptoms.…

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X-Factor star learns about axial SpA

Talia Dean meets Dasha and Gillian to learn more about axial SpA (AS)

Singer-songwriter, Talia Dean, made a big announcement in January 2021. In 2020 she was diagnosed with axial SpA (AS). Watch this video as she meets Dasha and Gillian, who live with the disease, and starts her journey towards becoming an #ASWarrior. #TaliasASJourney

See Talia’s story in the BBC article, 15 January 2021:
My back pain was misdiagnosed for 15 years – now I can’t dance