Portsmouth Rheumatology Winter Newsletter

getting-to-grips-leafletports-winter-newsletter-coverThe Winter newsletter from the Department of Rheumatology, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, is out now.

It includes: tips and advice for keeping well; introducing new consultants; details of awards; a carer resource pack; drug documentation; fatigue advice; and the calendar of local events.

Click here to open the newsletter. [PDF, 931 KB]

Getting to Grips Programme

The Department is also pleased to announce that the successful “Getting to Grips with Arthritis and Connective Tissue Disease” programme will start at the Petersfield Community Hospital in October 2016.…

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Guest Blog: RightCare and MSK: increasing value and reducing variation

Matthew-Cripps-nl1by Professor Matthew Cripps, National Director of NHS RightCare

It’s now six months since NHS RightCare was launched nationally. This involved 65 local health economies (‘wave one’) receiving support and facilitation to embed the approach, and we’re still growing as a programme to roll out to the 144 remaining health economies in England at the end of 2016.

Things are progressing at pace with the first 65, we’re at the exciting point now where CCGs have confirmed their big opportunities for improvement, taking Commissioning for Value insight as their starting point.…

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Guest Blog: Solving the puzzle of Musculoskeletal Service transformation

by Professor Peter Kay, National Clinical Director for Musculoskeletal Services for NHS England.

Peter-Kay_nlI was asked to write a blog to raise the profile of my MSK work supported by the Long-Term Conditions Team and, through the cryptic labyrinth of various schemes and initiatives, share with you my thoughts on how we can support sustainable, cost-effective transformation whilst still championing the more person-centred approach.

Easy task right?

Increasingly we are faced with the challenge of implementing population-level interventions in a bid to tackle unwarranted variation within our local areas.…

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Guest Blog: Looking back to move forward

Colin-Beevor-Guest-Blog-nlby Colin Beevor, Matron and Service Manager, Musculoskeletal OPD Services

They say “it’s good to talk” and after the inaugural ARMA Portsmouth Network Meeting, I would agree.

Although leading up to the event you are always worried that you will not get the numbers turning out – I’ll say here that planning was the key to success – I shouldn’t have worried. A small number of the ARMA Local network got behind the event, giving their support and assisting with the details.…

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