Conversation starters for MSD workplace discussions

A new resource on MSDs for workplaces – ‘Conversation Starters for workplace discussions on musculoskeletal disorders’ – is now available online from the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

This is an Occupational safety and health (OSH) resource for running workplace group discussions on MSDs and their prevention. Each activity includes an MSD scenario and a series of questions to facilitate discussion.

The discussion activities also cover raising MSD issues promptly with your employer, and how to speak with your employer/employee about an individual MSD problem, including an RMD – see conversation starters 9 to 12.…

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IMPACT-RMD study questionnaire

IMplementation of Physical Activity into routine Clinical pracTice in Rheumatic Musculoskeletal Disease

The IMPACT-RMD study aims to raise awareness on the importance of physical activity in people with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (RMDs). The goal is to help and support managing healthcare practitioners to understand more about physical activity as well as incorporate/include physical activity advice in clinical consultations.

Physical activity has multiple different benefits for RMDs, including better quality of life, better fitness and sleep, less fatigue and pain while it can also reduce inflammation.…

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EULAR survey patient-reported outcomes in young patients

Exploring the perspectives of young patients with chronic, inflammatory arthritis on patient-reported outcome measures

Having completed Phase 1 of the YoungPro project (focus groups in four different European countries with young people with inflammatory arthritis and the first Task Force meeting), EULAR has developed a survey to be spread across Europe to gather additional information around this topic.

The European League Against Rheumatism Task Force aims to incorporate the perspective of young people with inflammatory arthritis in patient reported outcomes (PROs).…

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BMJD World Congress 2019

The 7th World Congress on Controversies, Debates & Consensus in Bone, Muscle & Joint Diseases (BMJD) will take place October 17-19, 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan.

This is your chance to interact with international experts from all areas of rheumatology in one place.

The BMJD aims to reach consensus on controversial issues through debates and expert opinion, and provide updates on major topics of interest for your practice.

BMJD is a comprehensive Congress fully devoted to clinical controversies in bone, muscle and joint Diseases.

WORD Day – 18 March 2019

The first ever annual WORD Day, “WOrld Young Rheumatic Disease Day” takes place on the 18 March in 2019.

Jointly inaugurated by PReS (www.PRES.EU) and the parent/patient association ENCA (, the objectives of this day are to raise parental and professional awareness of these illnesses. Raising awareness of paediatric rheumatic diseases among health care providers will help speed up diagnosis, especially of rarer diseases.

WORD pediatric day is also directed at the wider public, since it is important to raise social awareness to the needs of children with rheumatic illnesses.…

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MACP partner conference and IFOMPT

Physio UK Conference

As part of the 50th Anniversary of the MACP, the Executive Committee made the decision to partner with Physio UK 2018 and work to deliver the MSK stream across the 2 day conference.

Labelled by CSP’s Karen Middleton as “the best Physio UK ever,” the conference attracted double the delegates of the last few years with a significant increase in abstract submissions from 84 to 328, with the majority aligned with the MSK stream.

Prof David Oliver, Clinical Vice-President of the Royal College of Physicians, delivered the Founders’ Lecture, and he was joined on stage by Jonathon Kruger, Chief Executive of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy.…

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EULAR – a year in review 2018

One strategy, a learning management system, five recommendations, 12 campaign sponsorships and a first – and a tenth – anniversary

The European League Against Rheumatism, EULAR, is celebrating a year of achievement in rheumatology in 2018. EULAR launched its new five-year strategy as well as the EULAR School learning management system. It also published five recommendations, sponsored twelve countries in Europe to launch the EULAR Campaign, “Don’t Delay, Connect Today” at local level – and commemorated the first anniversary of the campaign with a dedicated press conference.…

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Deadline fast approaching for EULAR Edgar Stene Prize Competition 2019

There are only a few days left to apply for the prestigious EULAR Edgar Stene Prize Competition 2019. People with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders are invited to write about their personal experiences submitting essays on the topic of:

My ideal employer – Work without barriers for people with RMDs

Please find more information in these documents:

Please take a careful look at the deadlines and entry rules mentioned in the respective documents.…

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Bone and Joint Week 2018

Bone and Joint Week 2018
12-20 October 2018

Musculoskeletal conditions: the elephant in the room?

Conditions of the bones, joints and muscles are a big problem in the UK; with over 17 million people living with a musculoskeletal condition, more people suffer with disability from musculoskeletal conditions than anything else.

Good health of bones, joints and muscles underpins living life well. Musculoskeletal conditions affect nearly everyone at some point in their life. They can cause pain, fatigue, restricted mobility and activities of daily living.

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Public Health England – Case study and report on lessons learnt

A report by Public Health England has been published in the World Health Organization’s European journal, Public Health Panorama.

“Developing partnerships and a whole-system approach for the prevention of musculoskeletal conditions in England”

Abstract: This case study reviews the experience of PHE in developing and implementing a public health approach to the prevention of and early intervention in MSK conditions. We reflect on key elements of the approach, and the essential role of galvanizing and supporting partnerships, as well as achievements and lessons learnt so far.…

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