Guest Blog – Gout deserves to be taken seriously

by Lynsey Conway, UK Gout Society Secretariat

Lynsey-conway-nlI first became involved with the UK Gout Society 13 years ago. Like many people who have never experienced this excruciatingly painful condition, I had treated gout as a bit of a joke and had bought into the common misconception that it was solely an affliction of old men – and a product of high living. I soon realised, however, after reading many desperate letters and hundreds of heart-wrenching emails, that gout was not a laughing matter – and could affect anyone.…

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Guest Blog – Nursing and MSK

BrianLucas-x214-newsletterby Dr Brian Lucas, Chair Royal College of Nursing‘s Society of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing (SOTN), Lead Nurse Education and Development The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Trust

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN)’s Society of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing (SOTN) is a professional forum with approximately 3,000 nurses who work in diverse roles within primary and secondary care. This diversity can be a strength, but it can also be a weakness: we are everywhere but spread thinly in places, so sometimes it is difficult to get our voice heard.…

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Guest Blog: Empowering our members to take action through self-management

by Shantel Irwin, CEO Arthritis Action
Corks were flying on June 18th 2015 for me and my team at Arthritis Action as we officially launched with our new name, new look and new direction.

The last 12 months have been transformational for our charity. After more than a year of research, review, redesign and reform, Arthritis Action finally relaunched at The King’s Fund to an audience of more than 100 members and guests from across the musculoskeletal health sector.

We were delighted to welcome so many friends and colleagues at our event, which gave us the chance to outline our rationale for change, what we stand for, what we do and where we’re heading.…

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Guest Blog: From desk to home caring – backs are a problem!

BackCare-CEO-Stuart-Blackman2by Stuart Blackman, CEO of BackCare

I am really enjoying working with BackCare as the new Chief Executive. We are at the cusp of a new phase of development of the charity. BackCare is the UK’s national back pain charity, founded 1968 – our mission is to turn the tide on back pain, the world’s leading cause of human disability. We do this through research, education and outreach initiatives.

Our new website is now the primary platform through which we can reach out to our key stakeholders: patients, clinicians, researchers, educators and our corporate supporters.…

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Guest Blog: Fracture Liaison Services

By Anne Thurston, Health Sector Relations Manager, National Osteoporosis Society
This week, 18 months’ worth of furious activity finally came together in the launch of our Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) resources. This makes me so happy that I can’t think of it without doing a happy dance in my head!

Let’s start at the beginning. A Fracture Liaison Service is simply a dedicated co-ordinator whose sole purpose it is to find people who are aged over 50 years and have broken a bone.

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Guest Blog: Getting it Right First Time

by Mike Kimmons CB, Chief Executive, British Orthopaedic Association
On Monday 16 March, the BOA launched the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) report. GIRFT was commissioned in 2013 by the Secretary of State for Health and NHS England and published with their agreement. Evidence-based and solutions-oriented, the GIRFT team used multiple sources to compile a unique data set for each NHS Hospital Trust in England that provides elective orthopaedic services and constructed comparative performance dashboards with the objective of benchmarking good practice.

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Guest Blog: The Need for Competency-Based Commissioning


by Matthew Bennett, President, British Chiropractic Association

As we all know back pain is the single biggest cause of disability in the UK according to the Global Burden of Disease Report. Despite this huge cost both in human and financial terms, care can often appear to be disjointed. In 2009 NICE published guidelines on the Management of persistent non-specific low back pain but many regions in the UK still struggle to implement the guidance and with many different providers being involved in the management of back pain an integrated approach is elusive.

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Guest Blog: What the ARMA Manifesto means for me

Ella-Vine-guest-blog by Ella Vine, Chief Executive, FibroAction It was a pleasure to attend last week’s ARMA parliamentary reception, an event with expert speakers and healthcare professionals on the subject of musculoskeletal conditions. The event was well attended and it was good to see that some MPs are genuinely interested in the cause and support the 2015 ARMA Manifesto. Lord Hunt, the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, has spoken about the challenges lying ahead of us to improve the diagnosis and care of MSK conditions and addressed all six points of ARMA’s Manifesto.…

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Guest Blog: Musings from Primary Care

AlanNye-largesquare by Dr. Alan Nye, President Primary Care Rheumatology Society, Executive Director, Pennine MSK Partnership Ltd.

This is my final month as President of the Primary Care Rheumatology Society and it’s been a very interesting 2 years for me. I apologise that this blog is England-centric, but England is the totality of my NHS experience and I cannot write about areas outside of my experience. I would like to cover, albeit briefly, three areas that over the past few years have become very dear to my heart:

  • MSK training for primary care
  • MSK networks and commissioning MSK services
  • Shared decision-making

For a long time the lack of training for front line GPs has been a real issue for the NHS.…

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Guest Blog: Care planning and musculoskeletal conditions

Guest-blog-LJB3 by Laura Boothman, Policy Manager at Arthritis Research UK

Planning is indispensable in many areas of life – we use it to manage projects, finances and time. Identifying goals, setting actions and discussing and sharing them with others can make us more likely to stick to our plans and achieve the outcomes we want. When it comes to planning to support our health, however, there is room for improvement; according to the latest survey data only 3% of general practice patients currently say they have a written plan.…

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