BASEM/FSEM: dates of coming events

BASEM Revision Course for the FSEM Membership Exam: Part 1
12th August 2017
BASEM Office, Auckley, Doncaster.


4th Annual BASEM/FSEM Sport and Exercise Medicine Conference
Sport & Exercise – Bringing us all together
12th – 13th October 2017

The 4th BASEM/FSEM Annual Sport and Exercise Medicine Conference in conjunction with the University of Bath and Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis.

Book online:



BASEM Open Forum and Annual General Meeting
12th October 2017
4.30 pm to 5.30 pm
The Assembly Rooms, Bath, BA1 2QH

New Self-Management Event in Leicester

Arthritis Action in collaboration with CLASH – Community Leicester Arthritis Self-Help group – will be holding a two-day Self-Management Event in Leicester on :-

Wednesday 28th June 2017 at 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
Thursday 29th June 2017 at 10.30am – 1.00 pm

We aim to help our attendees take control of the symptoms of their arthritis, with the event covering topics such as:
  • The impact of physical therapies
  • How you can best manage your pain
  • The benefits of exercise and a healthy diet
  • Ways to work in partnership with healthcare professionals

This SME Leicester event will be free of charge and refreshments will be provided, and is open to all.…

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Dates from the College of Podiatry

College of Podiatry 6th Podiatric Sports Medicine Conference

13-14 July 2017

From the Directorate of Podiatric Medicine in association with European College of Sports and Exercise Medicine.

The Royal College of Physicians, 11 St Andrews Pl, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4LE 

Click here for course registration details.


The College of Podiatry Annual Conference and Exhibition

16-18 November 2017

ACC Liverpool, Kings Dock, Liverpool L3 4FP


The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists Annual General Meeting

1st July 2017

Hilton Hotel, Tooley Street, London SE1 2BY

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Sport and Exercise – Bringing us all together

Save the date

The 4th BASEM/FSEM Annual SEM Conference will be themed on “Sport and Exercise – Bringing us all together”.

Held at the historic Assembly Rooms in Bath from the 12th – 13th October 2017, the programme this year will deliver high quality, evidence-based learning for both specialists and generalists.

The conference will be delivered in conjunction with the University of Bath, celebrating its 50th anniversary. Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport Exercise and Osteoarthritis will be delivering key sessions on athletes MSK health and exercise for patients with osteoarthritis.…

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BackCare – BackPain show this month!

The BackPain show is back – on the 19th and 20th May 2017.

This is the one-stop shop for all those who suffer from back problems along with the health professionals who look after them.

Organised on behalf of Backcare – the National Back Pain Association – the exhibition will feature therapies, products and services associated with the treatment of back pain as well as a range of professional conferences, presentations and seminars.

ARMA will be exhibiting. Come to Stand 27 to see us there.

Wake up to Arthritis

Arthritis Care Week will take place from 8 – 14 May 2017 and aims to get people to “Wake up to Arthritis” – those who may have arthritis but know little about what can be done to help, and those who know very little about the condition and the impact it can have on people’s lives.

You can help us reach more people by joining our social media Thunderclap here.

UK Gout Society Parliamentary Reception

Gout: No Laughing Matter

The UK Gout Society held a parliamentary reception at the House of Commons on 28th March 2017 to launch #shoutaboutgout – a social media campaign to raise awareness about gout, a musculoskeletal disorder which now affects one in 40 people in the UK.  Nearly 60 MPs, peers and other stakeholders in the MSK space, including many ARMA members, attended the event.

Jim Shannon, MP for Strangford (Northern Ireland) and DUP Spokesperson for Health, who sponsored the event, stated: “It’s time we put the facts on the table and told people the truth about gout.”…

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My Message to Back Pain Sufferers

Guest blog by Dr Brian Hammond D.O.D.C Ph.D. FCC (Orth) PG Cert, Chair of BackCare

There are very many back and neck pain sufferers in the UK.  The cost to the Exchequer and industry is staggering.  In this country, about 2.5 million people experience back pain every day of the year.  Although statistics vary, treatment for back pain and disability payments as a result of back problems costs the tax payer billions of pounds a year.  As a consequence, millions of working days are lost. …

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Rheumatology Forum at the RCN Congress

The Royal College of Nursing Congress runs from 13th – 17th May in Liverpool Arena & Convention Centre.

The RCN Rheumatology Forum will be facilitating a fringe meeting on the 16th May 2017 at 1pm, at which Rheumatology Nursing will be showcased to a wide range of nurses, working in a wide variety of health care settings. All those interested are welcome to attend.


Updated Biologic therapies practitioner

The fourth edition of this guidance document will soon be published online.…

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