Bone and Joint Week – 12-20 October 2020

Good musculoskeletal health – now more than ever

What is Bone and Joint Week?

Every October, Bone and Joint Week helps get people thinking about one of the most widespread and pressing health issues of our times – musculoskeletal health and, in these unprecedented times, good musculoskeletal health is so important, now more than ever.  

The coronavirus covid-19 pandemic changed the roadmap for achieving good musculoskeletal health. During covid-19, cancelled treatments, limited access, increased waiting times in pain, lockdown effect on mental wellbeing, exercise and weight-gain were all obstacles to good musculoskeletal health.…

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TWEETCHAT Power to the people – Coproducing MSK

TWEETCHAT Power to the people – Coproducing MSK


21 Sept 2020 7-8pm

To enable lifelong MSK health within all communities, we must coproduce MSK services with people with relevant lived experience. MSK leads in NHSE/I are coproducing the National Musculoskeletal Strategy with an MSK Lived Experience Group (MSK LEG).

Join @WeAreARMA and the MSK LEG members for a TweetChat all things MSK in these COVID times.


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PCRMM 2020 Conference online

The PCRMM annual conference will be running again this year, 12-13 November.

We have been through unprecedented times over the past few months, and this year the conference will be held online. The PCRMM Society is determined not let to these extraordinary times affect the content of the conference which is promising to be as interesting and engaging as ever.

This year, the conference will have an FCP stream to encourage and strengthen the role of FCPs within primary care. There will also be fascinating lectures on pain management, osteoporosis, podiatry and spondyloarthritis amongst others, and the PCRMM Society looks forward to extending a welcome to more of you on this new interactive platform.…

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RA Awareness Week: 7-13 September 2020

With RAAW 2020, NRAS aims to educate and inform the public about exactly what rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is and how it impacts those living with the condition. This year, and taking into account recent events, the focus will be on ‘Mental Wellbeing’ and the ways in which you can improve your mental health and wellbeing.


Some areas of focus will be: learning new skills, connecting with people, being more physically active, mindfulness, giving and kindness. Throughout the week NRAS will also share some personal stories, raise awareness, and fundraise to support those living with RA. …

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BOA Virtual Congress 2020

15-25 Sept 2020, online, member-only event

The British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) will be running a virtual Congress during 15-18 September 2020. Apart from the traditional four day event, they have also taken the decision to extend the event into the following week 21-25 September with the primary focus on abstracts and trainees.

Registration for each live webinar will be made available to BOA members in the upcoming weeks. These will include “T&O and Covid-19; the good, the bad and the future”, “Capturing positive change – the NHS Change Challenge” and “The Future of Orthopaedic Training: Diversity and Education”.…

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Arthritis Action Webinar “COVID-19 and Arthritis: Live Q&A”

Arthritis Action invites you to a webinar dedicated to addressing coronavirus concerns for people with arthritis.

“COVID-19 and Arthritis: Live Q&A” will take place on Thursday 18 June 2020, 11am – 12pm

The webinar will be presented by Arthritis Action CEO, Shantel Irwin, who will be asking their Medical Advisor, Dr Wendy Holden, Consultant Rheumatologist at North Hampshire Hospitals, patients’ most frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and Arthritis.

Anyone interested can register here. Attendees are invited to submit questions relating to this topic on or before Friday 5 June 2020, by emailing

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Working Together conference in November

First ever ARMA multi-disciplinary MSK health conference

Working Together to change the face of MSK

30 November 2020

Venue: Cecil Sharp House, Camden, London

ARMA holds its first ever multi-disciplinary MSK health conference – Working Together to change the face of MSK.

This one-day conference is a multi-disciplinary event covering some of the latest trends and practical examples on working together/integrated care for musculoskeletal health, transcending disciplines and boundaries.

The conference will support the delivery of high quality MSK services through a focus on excellent services, from prevention at a population level to excellent specialist services in orthopaedics, rheumatology and pain.…

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PCRMM Society conference 2020 – FCPs

The PCRMM Society is holding their annual conference in York at the Park Hotel, 12-14 November 2020. This year’s theme is “First contact practitioners” and there is a dedicated FCP stream running on Friday 13 November with workshops on interpreting blood requests, requesting musculoskeletal imaging and when to refer for inflammatory arthritis assessments. There will be a talk from Amanda Hensman-Crook who leads on the FCP programme for Health Education England.

In addition, cadaveric shoulder injection workshops are running at the University of York for delegates.…

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Free CPD Webinar from BASRaT

Free CPD Webinar: Virtual Consultations with Mike James
Wednesday 1 April, 19:00

Join BASRaT live on Zoom to discuss all things virtual! The discussion will focus on the clinical considerations when conducting a virtual consult, including how to adapt assessments and rehab with the lack of face-to-face contact.

Mike will also share his thoughts on creating the perfect patient journey, and what you can do to attract new patients to your virtual clinic.

Click here to register for the webinar.

You are not alone; keep active, stay connected

Mr Jones is 72 today. A few years ago, he would have celebrated with friends in the pub, but now the pain in his back makes is hard to go out and he gets tired quickly. So, he’s at home watching TV while his wife cooks a meal. He spends a lot of time watching TV and his back seems to be getting worse, but his GP says there is nothing she can do for him but being more active will help.…

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