Apply for MFSEM Part 1 Exam

FSEM logoApplications are now open for the MFSEM Part 1 Examination.

The MFSEM Part 1 & 2 are the benchmark examinations for those practicing in Sport and Exercise Medicine, and sets the excellent standards for providing clinical care within the specialty.

This examination is the first of two parts which, upon successful completion, currently provides members a route to Membership of the Faculty.

Exam date: 26th September 2024

Candidates must hold a medical qualification that is acceptable to the UK General Medical Council for Full or Provisional Registration or to the Medical Council in Ireland for Full or Temporary Registration.…

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ORUK to co-host MSK Innovation Forum

Orthopaedic Research UK (ORUK) and the National Institute of for Health and Care Research (NIHR) are co- hosting an online MSK Innovation Forum on 19th July 2024, that will bring together clinicians, engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs to discuss the MSK innovation challenge.

During the forum the NIHR will present the results of a horizon scan identifying emerging MSK medical and digital health and care technologies from around the world. The event will also feature innovation case studies and the opportunity to share best practices and discuss challenges facing MSK innovators.…

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New accreditation for SOMM Master’s modules

The Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine’s (SOMM’s) MSc Musculoskeletal Medicine, validated by Queen Margaret University (QMU), Edinburgh, is now closed, and the programme will be finishing on 31 August this year.

SOMM is very pleased to announce that its modules have now been credit-rated by QMU at master’s level. The ‘Foundation in Musculoskeletal Medicine’ module has been credit-rated for 60 master’s level credits and the advanced modules, the ‘Theory and Practice of Injection Therapy’, ‘Advancing Practice in Musculoskeletal Medicine’ and ‘Preparation for Teaching Musculoskeletal Medicine’ have each been credit rated at 20 master’s level credits.…

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iO New CPD Webinar Series

Daniel McCarthy, iO Professional Development Manager, will be joined by Steven Vogel, Duty Vice-Chancellor at the UCO, for the Institute of Osteopathy’s next CPD webinar focusing on vascular pathologies of the neck on Thursday, 18 July at 12pm.

The webinar will navigate the complexity and clinical equivocality of masquerading vascular pathologies, how they may present, associated risk factors, appropriate screening and decision-making concerning management.

Healthcare practitioners can book attendance to this webinar for £10. (iO Members can attend for free). Find out more here.

Versus Arthritis Musculoskeletal training courses

Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care and Musculoskeletal Bitesize courses

Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care
Develop practical skills required in a primary care consultation. Providing a supportive environment for professionals to increase confidence and knowledge in diagnosing, treating and managing MSK conditions.

“This course exceeded my expectations, the content and delivery was very relevant to my role, so much so I have used the information for 3 patients already this morning.”

Course details:
Monday 7th October, Glasgow
Saturday 8th March, Birmingham
Time: 9-5pm
Cost: £165


Musculoskeletal Bitesize
An online course aimed at primary care professionals involved in diagnosing and supporting patients with MSK conditions.…

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Healthcare Professionals’ Training Needs survey

Versus Arthritis healthcare professional training and education needs survey.

Versus Arthritis is reviewing their healthcare professional training and education offer and would like to gather insight from healthcare professionals involved in diagnosing, treating and managing patients with MSK conditions, to find out about their MSK training needs and preferences.

Insights will be used to shape the future training and education the charity provides. If you could take 5-10 minutes to complete the survey before 25th July, your input will be greatly appreciated.…

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New venue for SOMM Foundation in MSK Medicine

The Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine (SOMM) has added a new host to its venue portfolio – Perth Royal Infirmary.

The hospital will host the SOMM Foundation in Musculoskeletal Medicine Module, Unit 1 in October/November 2024.

This 4-day Unit covers the cervical spine, shoulder, elbow and wrist/hand. The unit is highly practical and combines this with theory lectures, clinical reasoning, and a review of functional anatomy. Read more

Due to demand, an additional THEORY AND PRACTICE OF INJECTION THERAPY module has been added to the course programme this year, in Liverpool this September. …

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Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures – CPD webinar

On Thursday, 25 April 2024, 4-5pm the Institute of Osteopathy is hosting a webinar on Osteoporosis and fragility fractures from its series of educational CPD webinars.

Register now to join iO Professional Development Manager, Daniel McCarthy, as he guides you through everything you need to know about the condition along with some interesting case studies. Healthcare practitioners can book attendance to this webinar for £10 (iO Members can attend for free). 

Find out more from the news page.

Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care course – Glasgow

This one day course will be split into three main sections covering low back pain and sciatica, lower limb and upper limb. The course has been designed by GPs primarily for GPs and GP Trainees but is also beneficial for other primary healthcare professionals such as Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists and Physiotherapists who support patients with MSK conditions.

  • Wednesday 3rd July 9-5pm
  • The Studio, Glasgow
  • £165

Find more information and the learning outcomes from the Versus Arthritis Training courses page.

ORUK Announces New Research Fellowships

Applications are open for ORUK research fellowships in partnership with the BOA, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, British Scoliosis Society (BSS) and The British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS).

Two BOA/ORUK fellowships of up to £65k are available for a project in any area of orthopaedics including basic science, diagnosis, treatment, surgical technology, AI, logistics or audit. The research can be self-contained or part of a wider research programme and should be integral to the applicant pursuing a higher degree.…

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