Equity, Diversity and Belonging (EDB) Awareness Tool

Physio First logoPhysioFirst and the CSP LGBTQIA+ network have CSP logocollaboratively run a project with stakeholders to promote EDB within the recognised Professional Networks (PN) of the CSP. The outcome of this project, which was structured as a series of three facilitated meetings attended by each participating Professional Network, is the first version of an EDB reflective awareness tool.

The aim of this awareness tool is to prompt, guide and support the Leadership Teams of all PNs to  open the conversation and to reflect on equity, diversity and belonging within their own network and how they align with the CSP’s EDB Strategy.…

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MSK physiotherapy service standards 

CSP publishes new UK-wide Musculoskeletal physiotherapy service standards

In January 2022 a new set of Musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy service standards were launched by the CSP. The standards focus on the delivery of physiotherapy for any services managing MSK conditions within any part of the MSK pathway in the UK. They are applicable in any setting, for adults of 16 years and over, requiring physiotherapy for a MSK condition, their families and carers, and across multidisciplinary integrated care.  

The eight standards and accompanying quality measures are intended as a tool for services to demonstrate the value of MSK physiotherapy services as part of the whole MSK pathway, with the aim to drive continuous quality improvement.  …

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NHFD Annual Report

The challenge of the next decade: are hip fracture services ready?

The National hip Fracture Database (NHFD) has recently released its latest annual report focussing on the six NHFD key performance indicators used to monitor and drive up standards across the country. 2020 will no doubt prove to be one of the most challenging years in the history of the NHS. This report also presents the first data about the effect of COVID-19 on trauma units around the country and on outcome for patients with hip fracture who have COVID-19 when admitted to hospital or develop it after their operation.…

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BOA Policy update – July 2020

report coverThe report emergent from Baroness Cumberlege and the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety review was published in early July and has been welcomed by the British Orthopaedic Association. This comprehensive review has demonstrated the impact on the physical and mental health of patients when implants fail. The review shows that there is a clear need for detailed surveillance of implants, and we welcome the recommendation for the establishment of more National Implant Registries.

Read the BOA’s full position on this issue.…

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SOMM reviews stand-alone modules

The Society is currently revisiting its strategy and short and long term plans for its course provision.

The ‘Theory and Practice of Injection Therapy’ and ‘Advancing Clinical Practice in Musculoskeletal Medicine’ modules, stand-alone or optional modules within the Society’s MSc Musculoskeletal Medicine, are being reviewed within the context of the four pillars of advanced practice, as presented in the NHS ‘Multi-professional framework for advanced clinical practice in England’ (Clinical Practice, Leadership & Management, Education and Research) and NHS Education for Scotland’s ‘AHP Advanced Practice Education and Development Framework (Musculoskeletal)’ (Clinical Practice, Facilitating Learning, Leadership, Research).…

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New infographics for AHPs summarise NICE guidance

New online infographic posters summarising the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance relevant to allied health professionals are now available online. Produced by the Institute of Osteopathy and endorsed by NICE, these easy to use resources provide a quick reference guide to current NICE guidance which can be printed and displayed in a clinical setting and support CPD.

There are currently three topics available; osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and spondyloarthritis, with plans to develop others in the near future.…

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New publication: ARMA policy position paper on supported self-management

ARMA policy teams and CEOs collaborated to agree a Policy Position Paper on Supported Self-Management for People with Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions. The Policy Position Paper sets out recommendations for change.

The evidence identifies the importance of patients as partners in their own care. While people with musculoskeletal conditions can play a pivotal role in their condition, most are simply unaware of the difference they can make. That’s why the Alliance believes people should be supported to take a proactive role in their health, to live well, feeling confident and in control of their condition with supported self-management.…

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NIHR research into physiotherapy for musculoskeletal conditions

The MSK physio-themed review is now live.

Moving Forward – Physiotherapy for Musculoskeletal Health and Wellbeing  highlights evidence from the National Institute for Health Research and others on why research in this area matters, assessment and matching patients to treatment, restoring musculoskeletal health and maintaining musculoskeletal wellbeing.


It features:

  • 37 published studies
  • 25 ongoing research projects
  • Questions to ask your physiotherapy musculoskeletal services


You can download this review from the National Institute for Health Research website.

New framework launched to support early access for musculoskeletal conditions

Rapid access to the right care and supporting patients to be fully involved in their care is at the heart of a new capabilities framework launched today (31/07/2018) by NHS England, Health Education England, Public Health England, Skills for Health and the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA). The Musculoskeletal Core Capabilities Framework, aimed at practitioners who will be the first point of contact for people with musculoskeletal conditions, sets out to support improved access to care and ensure quality outcomes for patients.…

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EULAR Recommendations for imaging in large vessel vasculitis

ultrasound diagram

The European League Against Rheumatism, EULAR, has published a set of recommendations, which look at the use of imaging modalities in primary large vessel vasculitis, including giant cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis.

The recommendations are intended to advise physicians on the use of imaging modalities (including ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, computed tomography, CT, and positron emission tomography, PET) when making a clinical diagnosis of large vessel vasculitis (LVV), and when to apply imaging for monitoring of disease activity and damage.…

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