APPG on Osteoporosis – Access to Medicines Inquiry

ROS and APPG on Osteoporosis and Bone Health Inquiry Report on Access to Medicines

An upcoming report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Osteoporosis and Bone Health highlights the “critical need for system-wide reform” to address barriers to osteoporosis medication in the NHS, leaving millions of people at risk of life-threatening fractures.

Fractures caused by osteoporosis are preventable. A timely diagnosis and a treatment plan can prevent fractures. But there is an enormous treatment gap with two-thirds of people who need anti-osteoporosis medications missing out on them – around 90,000 people every year.…

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Review of JIA Care

NCEPODA report into JIA care from the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death has just been published. Joint Care? A review of the quality of care provided to children and young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis covers care pathways, transition to adult services, access to medications, holistic care and education and training. It sets out recommendations for improvement.


  • Raise awareness of juvenile idiopathic arthritis and its symptoms with the healthcare professionals who will see this group of patients.

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GIRFT and elective community MSK waiting times

GIRFT is getting started on a £3.5m programme of activity working with 17 ICBs with the highest waiting lists for elective community MSK services.

The focus is on reducing waiting times for a community MSK appointment; to improve access to MSK treatment and support people back to work.

The GIRFT MSK Community Delivery Programme will see each ICB receive funding and support to develop more efficient ways of getting MSK patients treated, off waiting lists and back onto the path of employment.…

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New Network of Chartered Physiotherapists Working in Obesity

Are you a physiotherapist, associate practitioner or student interested in supporting people living with obesity? If this is you, we need you on our team!

Obesity management is an exciting and emerging area of physiotherapy clinical practice. We are a group of 6 physiotherapists looking to develop a network to share knowledge and new evidence, offer peer support, promote the role of physiotherapy, and ultimately develop ‘gold standard’ physiotherapy guidelines for people living with obesity. We want to be leading together on best practice physiotherapy interventions to best support people living with obesity and metabolic disease.…

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National Early Inflammatory Arthritis Audit Report

The National Early Inflammatory Arthritis Audit (NEIAA) State of the Nation Summary Report 2024 was published on 10 October 2024.

NEIAA is commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP) and is delivered by the British Society for Rheumatology.  

The audit aims to improve the quality of care for people living with inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue disease, and systemic vasculitis, collecting information on all adults with a new diagnosis in English and Welsh specialist rheumatology departments. …

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New report on innovation in MSK health

The NIHR Innovation Observatory has undertaken a global horizon scan, supported by ORUK, to identify emerging MSK medical and digital health and care technologies with the potential to reduce the occurrence of MSK conditions, improve health outcomes and provide efficiencies within delivery of health and care services for people with poor MSK conditions.

It is anticipated that the research findings will be used to highlight early-stage technological innovations to prevent and manage MSK conditions and identify areas of unmet need. The report includes a breakdown of 109 innovative technologies (either regulated medical devices or digital interventions.…

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NASS needs to hear from you

NASS is excited to launch a call for evidence as part of their efforts to establish a Gold Standard in Treatment and Care for Axial Spondyloarthritis as part of the Aspiring to Excellence programme.

NASS is looking for people with lived experience of axial SpA, and healthcare professionals to share with us their real-life examples of good treatment and care.

For people with lived experience, an example might be a course or education session you attended, a new way of being able to communicate with your healthcare team which improved your experience, or a routine that you were able to develop with your healthcare team to help with a specific part of living with axial SpA.…

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GIRFT pathway for Cauda Equina Syndrome

GIRFT logoPathway supports clinicians to diagnose and treat Cauda Equina Syndrome without delay.

A new pathway helping clinicians to better diagnose and care for patients with suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) is now available from the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) team.

GIRFT worked collaboratively with a multidisciplinary group of more than 60 healthcare professionals to develop the interactive pathway, designed to support teams to diagnose and treat the condition without delay. It offers best practice along all stages of the pathway, from presentation to GP or in the community through to post-operative care.…

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PCRMM webinar: Gout best practice

“Gout diagnosis, treatment and management: an update on best practice in primary care”
PCRMM Webinar
Monday 27 February, 2023
7 – 8.30pm

In many cases, gout diagnosis is simple and treatment is cheap and effective with the potential for significant improvement in patients’ quality of life. NICE recently published their first gout guidelines highlighting the poor treatment of Gout in the UK. The webinar will discuss causes, best practice for diagnosis, treatment and management including the role of treat-to-target and the importance of educating both patients and healthcare professionals about gout.…

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Failings in osteoporosis diagnosis and care

Parliamentary inquiry finds systemic failings in osteoporosis diagnosis and care 

On Wednesday 30 November 2022, staff members, volunteers and trustees from the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS) joined Parliamentarians in Westminster to launch a report based on the findings of the AllParty Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Osteoporosis and Bone Health’s inquiry into primary care. 

Primary care is the front door to the NHS, with GPs playing a vital role in identifying people at high risk of breaking bones before they happen.…

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