LUPUS UK North Wales Lupus Information Day

The LUPUS UK North Wales Lupus Information Day will take place on Saturday, 12 May 2018, in Llandudno.

The afternoon will feature a number of medical experts speaking, including:

Dr Yasmeen Ahmad
Consultant Rheumatologist, Peter Maddison Rheumatology Centre, Llandudno Hospital

Anne Breslin
Rheumatology Specialist Nurse, Peter Maddison Rheumatology Centre, Llandudno Hospital

Dr Eve Smith & Professor Christian Hedrich
NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer, University of Liverpool, Paediatric Trainee Alder Hey Children’s Hospital & Paediatric Rheumatologist Professor of Child Health at University of Liverpool


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Institute of Osteopathy #LoveYourHealth

In celebration of International Osteopathic Healthcare Week, in April the iO will be running a month-long social media campaign entitled #LoveYourHealth. During this campaign, the iO will be sharing with members of the public, key life style messages to help them make informed decisions around how they can better look after their health.

Data from the National Council for Osteopathic Research, Patient Reported Outcome Measures study has found that 50.4% of people who visited an osteopath had been experiencing symptoms for 13 weeks or more (61.1% were seen within three days of requesting an appointment.)

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Introducing the London Choosing Wisely programme

New London-wide policies will ensure everyone has equal access to eight treatments, including hip and knee replacement

A clinically-led programme of work called London Choosing Wisely is underway to draft evidence based policies for eight treatments across London. The programme’s vision is people, wherever they live in London, will have equal access to the most clinically appropriate treatment. The procedures that are being reviewed are surgical removal of benign skin lesions; hip arthroplasty; knee arthroplasty; knee arthroscopy; interventional treatments for back pain; varicose vein procedures; shoulder decompression and cataract surgery.…

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New ARMA Member

ARMA is pleased to welcome the British Dietetic Association to ARMA membership.

The British Dietetic Association is the professional body and trade union for UK dietitians, representing practitioners, researchers, educators, support workers and students. Registered dietitians are qualified health professionals that assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutrition problems at an individual and wider public health level.

We are really looking forward to their involvement in ARMA as there are many links between their work and MSK. You can find more details on the BDA here.

Consultation on accreditation for osteopaths working with children

io logoODG logo

The Osteopathic Development Group (ODG) is seeking feedback on its proposed competences for osteopaths who work with children, and a draft scheme for accrediting those with expertise in this area.

The aim of the Accredited Clinical Practice project is to promote best practice and provide greater assurance to patients, the public and other healthcare professionals about the quality of care that osteopaths provide. It will focus on children in the first instance but the intention is to develop frameworks for other areas of practice over time.…

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Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis course

Training from the British Medical Acupuncture Society

Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis course
Wednesday 4 July 2018
Venue: BMAS House, South Manchester
Priced from £155
Lecturer: Dr Mike Cummings

Foundation Courses in Western Medical Acupuncture
for regulated healthcare professionals

Venues: London, Glasgow, Dublin, Manchester

  • Four-day course for regulated health professionals
  • Experienced, medically trained lecturers
  • Comprehensive course notes
  • 100 Free needles

Further details & to register for courses:
Tel: 01606 786782

FSEM (UK) Responds to Draft Health and Care Workforce Strategy for England to 2027

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK has responded to this Public Health England consultation with a focus on MSK services in the NHS.

The Faculty’s response emphasises that specialist clinicians are needed who understand the cause of MSK problems and are able to provide focused treatments as well as lifestyle interventions to manage and prevent MSK disorders. If the NHS could create MSK medicine consultants to lead services together with physiotherapy practitioners and GPs with a special interest, it would do a great service to the millions of patients that suffer from MSK disorders.…

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MSK: Public Health and Prevention – a community of practice

MSK: Public Health and Prevention is a community of practice for healthcare professionals working in, or interested in, musculoskeletal care.

It is a joint initiative between a range of professional bodies and Public Health England (national and West Midlands), supported by funding from Health Education England.

This is a social media platform to help develop wider understanding of musculoskeletal disorders as a public health issue; to share good practice and network with others and to amplify messages around “Making Every Contact Count”.…

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Physical activity, healthy eating and healthier weight toolkit

Business in the Community in association with Public Health England has published the sixth toolkit in the series “taking a whole-person approach to wellbeing“.

A lack of physical activity and poor eating habits leads to an unhealthy workforce. Around a third of adults in England are damaging their health through a lack of physical activity. In fact, one in four women and one in five men in England are defined as inactive, doing less than 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.…

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Musculoskeletal, falls, fractures & frailty: showcasing projects from the AHSN Network

A new guide has been published to showcase the extensive range of programmes being delivered by the AHSN Network to improve clinical services in the areas of musculoskeletal (MSK), falls, fractures and frailty, all key priorities for the NHS.

Collectively, MSK, falls, fractures and frailty have a major detrimental impact on patients, families and carers, and are a major cost to the NHS.

With a growing and ageing population, health and social care services need to be proactive in their response to this challenge.…

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