New Executive Manager and continuing HMSA recruitment

Hannah Ensor (chair of the board of trustees) has been covering the CEO role for several months now, so Hypermobility Syndromes Association (HMSA) is very pleased to welcome a new Executive Manager, Jane van Velsen, who will be taking on the management of the charity.

This role replaces that of CEO, and will mean managing the practical and operational side of the organisation. Jane has a lot of experience in charity management and is passionate about getting the hypermobile community the support it needs – from early diagnosis to appropriate long term advice and input.…

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Welcome to new member British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine

ARMA is pleased to welcome another new member, the British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine (BASEM). BASEM is a multidisciplinary sport and exercise medicine membership organisation with a core responsibility to provide education and support to its members. BASEM supports the benefits of physical activity in all populations, without discrimination and the importance it plays in health and well-being and its role in both primary and secondary prevention of disease.

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MSK leading the way

by Sue Brown, CEO, ARMA

It’s been fantastic over the last few months to work with ARMA members to rise to the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic. We now have to rise to a new challenge – resetting MSK services to be more personalised and to use shared decision making to ensure people receive the right treatment efficiently and effectively. ARMA’s vision for MSK and that discussed at the NHS England MSK leadership meetings are remarkably similar. Making that vision a reality will take the combined effort of all of us.…

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ARMA Supporter scheme

We know that many people value our newsletter, webinars and the fact that we provide a voice for MSK health. We are increasingly asked: given that our membership is made up of organisations, how can an individual support ARMA? For this reason, we have set up a new supporter scheme.

Full details can be found on our Become an ARMA Supporter page.

ARMA’s new Associate Membership Scheme

ARMA has launched a new Associate Membership scheme to enable a wider range of stakeholders to engage with our activities.

It is important that our work is driven by the needs of patients, clinicians and researchers and is independent of commercial interests. However, we recognise that there are many stakeholders not eligible for ARMA membership who play an important role in musculoskeletal health, whose involvement would be mutually beneficial. Associate membership of ARMA provides a way for such organisations to engage with our work.…

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ARMA welcomes the Psoriasis Association

ARMA is happy to extend a warm welcome to the Psoriasis Association, our newest member.

The Psoriasis Association offers information and support in a variety of ways to people whose lives are affected by psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis; patients, relatives, friends, healthcare professionals and the general public.

Founded in 1968, the Psoriasis Association has always recognised and promoted the value of multi-disciplinary teams when treating both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. They regularly contribute to appraisals and guidelines for NICE and the SMC.…

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Could you be an ARMA trustee?

Nominations for the election of ARMA trustees are open!

There are three vacancies and we encourage you to apply. The Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Alliance (ARMA) provides a collective voice for the arthritis and musculoskeletal community in the UK. Our vision is that musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders are a priority in policy and practice in the UK. We work collectively and collaboratively with our members – 30 organisations, ranging from specialised support groups for rare diseases to major research charities and national professional bodies.…

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Annual ARMA Lecture 2019

20 November 2019

Introduced by Sue Brown ARMA CEO and Liam O’Toole, CEO, Versus Arthritis who partnered with ARMA for this flagship lecture, the two presenters Sue Patey and Dr Brendon Stubbs, delivered speeches to an attentive audience of patients, public health, health education and NHS officials.

Sue Patey, who has arthritis, spoke about the impact arthritis had on getting dressed, eating and on her mental health in a moving, honest speech.

Dr Brendon Stubbs is Head of Physiotherapy, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and NIHR Clinical Lecturer at Kings College London.…

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10th Annual ARMA Lecture 2019

No Health Without Mental Health: Why mental health is all of our business
by Brendon Stubbs

20 November 2019

Our annual lecture 2019 explored the links between MSK and mental health, the implications for how we commission and design services and how we work with individual patients. Everyone has a role to play because mental health is all of our business. Brendon Stubbs is Head of Physiotherapy, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation trust and NIHR Clinical Lecturer, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London.…

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