Core Skills in MSK Care workshop series

These 1-day practical workshops provide a supportive environment for GPs and other frontline healthcare professionals to develop their confidence and skills in the diagnosis, treatment options and self-management of patients with MSK conditions.

There are six remaining workshops scheduled to take place throughout the UK in 2019:

  • Manchester – 21 May
  • Birmingham – 10 July
  • London – 25 September
  • Leeds – 23 October
  • London – 26 November
  • Glasgow – 10 December

Click here to book your place on any of the above workshops.…

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Aids and Adaptations parliamentary drop-in update

Unfortunately, owing to a planned strike by security staff at Westminster, the Versus Arthritis parliamentary drop-in on aids and adaptations on Wednesday 20 March was cancelled.

This is obviously very disappointing, for Versus Arthritis and campaigners, as we know how important it is for MPs to recognise the impact that aids and adaptations can have for people with arthritis. MPs have been informed and Versus Arthritis is currently working to reschedule the event. VA has also been in touch with the hundreds of supporters who contacted their MPs.…

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NASS delivers inaugural meeting of the first ever APPG on AS

Last week saw a momentous event for people living with axial SpA (AS) in the UK, when NASS held the inaugural meeting of the first ever all-party parliamentary group (APPG) specifically for Axial Spondyloarthritis. Parliamentarians, policy makers, clinicians, healthcare commissioners and NASS members and staff came together to identify and address concerns about AS care.

You can read NASS CEO Dr Dale Webb’s reflections on the meeting and more of what’s to come from NASS’ Every Patient, Every Time campaign.

RCN Rheumatology Nursing Workshop 2019

Advances, innovations and challenges in rheumatology nursing

Friday 28 June 2019, RCN HQ, London

The RCN Rheumatology Nursing Workshop 2019 event includes talks on ‘Understanding vasculitis and impact on inflammatory arthritis patients’ and ‘Understanding the JAK pathway – a new mode of action for rheumatology’.

By attending this workshop you will:

  • hear from leading experts on current issues and challenges facing rheumatology
  • gain an in-depth understanding of emerging drug therapies and the importance of drug monitoring
  • advance your knowledge and skills to deliver and promote excellence in care

Click here for the delegate booking form.

Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care workshop

Thursday, 14 March 2019, in London

The workshop has been developed by GPs for GPs, and is aimed at furthering your practical skills to encourage best-practice MSK care with your patients. It includes a range of interactive, practical workshops focused on building expertise in MSK care.

The course is worth 12 CPD points if completed alongside the e-learning course.
The cost is £130+ VAT and delegates can sign up at

Making Connections with NASS Voices

In 2018 NASS held two community engagement conferences called NASS Voices, in Scotland and Northern Ireland, aiming to bring together people with axial SpA (AS), their families and friends, local rheumatologists, nurses, physiotherapists and others interested in the condition. The team wanted people to come with questions and leave with answers.

Feedback indicated that these events truly delivered on their promise, so NASS is excited to be running four more events in 2019.

Cardiff: Saturday 13 April 2019
Southampton: Saturday 11 May 2019
Leeds: Saturday 7 September 2019
London: Saturday 16 November 2019

These events will feature practical talks and activities delivered by rheumatologists, physiotherapists, branch representatives and members of the NASS team.…

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Fragility Fracture Network UK hip meeting

FFN UK hip fracture review meeting at Wolfson College, Oxford on 8 May 2019.

This multidisciplinary meeting, supported by the BOA, will bring together the leading experts from orthopaedics, geriatrics, anaesthesia, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation and secondary fracture prevention. However, the emphasis is on discussion and shared-learning, so please bring along your own experiences, suggestions and questions.

The number of places is limited to 120, so please book early by contacting:

Priority will be given to ‘teams’ of attendees i.e.…

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Guest blog: Time for the final Cinderella to attend the ball?

Musculoskeletal support professionals in the community

by Dr Rob Hampton, GP and Occupational Physician

Across the world, chronic musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoarthritis, inflammatory disorders and common regional conditions such as back, neck, shoulder, hip and knee pain now represent the single greatest cause of years lived with disability 1. When measuring their negative impact on employment, self-reported wellbeing and day-to-day function, chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions are every bit as invasive as other chronic conditions such as heart failure, diabetes and COPD.…

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New infographics for AHPs summarise NICE guidance

New online infographic posters summarising the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance relevant to allied health professionals are now available online. Produced by the Institute of Osteopathy and endorsed by NICE, these easy to use resources provide a quick reference guide to current NICE guidance which can be printed and displayed in a clinical setting and support CPD.

There are currently three topics available; osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and spondyloarthritis, with plans to develop others in the near future.…

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Public Health letter

In early February, ARMA was one of 55 signatories to an open letter published in The Times newspaper from the Association of Directors of Public Health. The letter argued that public health should be a priority in the Spending Review.

ADPH President Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy said:

“Tackling the root causes of ill health and creating places in which we can all be healthy is the mission of local government. If we undervalue this public health expertise within local government, the NHS Long Term Plan simply cannot be delivered.…

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