Not all about hospitals


It was fantastic to see the launch in December of a new GIRFT programme to support reduction in community MSK waiting times. A funded programme of activity on MSK to work with 17 integrated care systems (ICSs) with the highest waiting lists for elective community MSK services. The focus is to reduce waiting times for a community MSK appointment; to improve access to MSK treatment and support people back to work.

January saw the launch of the elective care recovery plan, focused on getting us back to meeting the target of 92% of waits for planned hospital treatment being no more than 18 weeks.…

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New patient decision aid on knee osteoarthritis for primary care

NHS England and NICE have worked together to produce new patient decision aids (also known as Decision Support Tools) last year, including one on knee osteoarthritis. These were developed in accordance with NICE’s standards framework for shared-decision-making support tools, and support making decisions about:

  • Self-management activities
  • Using treatments like tablets, creams and injections
  • Surgery, or wearing special shoes

Patient decision aids enable shared decision making by making treatment, care and support options explicit. They provide evidence-based information about the associated benefits/harms and help people consider what matters most to them in relation to the possible outcomes, including doing nothing.

NICE seeks lay specialist with self-management experience

NICE is looking to appoint two people with lived experience for an assessment of digital platforms for self-management of osteoarthritis and joint pain.

People who have experience of using a digital platform to self-manage their osteoarthritis and/or joint pain are welcome to apply for the lay specialist committee member role. Their experience could be from using platform themselves, caring for someone who has, or working to advocate for people with osteoarthritis. The deadline for applications, via the recruitment software from the vacancy page, is Thursday 6 Feb 2025.…

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AHP for the Armed Forces

Webinar: Allied Health Professions for the Armed Force Community

On 4 February 2025, the iO will be showcasing a career as an osteopath, and explaining how your transferable skills and values lend themselves to this long-term sustainable career. The webinar includes the opportunity to watch an osteopath in action and hear from the NHSE AHP Programme Lead, Paul Chapman MCSP DSA (csp), as well as The Institute of Osteopathy, university admissions; listen to lived experience from former armed forces members that are now clinicians and military spouses.…

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FSEM’s Diploma examinations 2025

Diploma in Team Care

The Diploma in Team Care will set the standard for team care knowledge across sport and exercise medicine.

Applications open now. Exam sitting: 15th April 2025

Learn more and apply.

Diploma in MSK Medicine

The Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine sets the standard for MSK knowledge across the entire breadth of community care.

Applications open now. Exam sitting: 20th May 2025

Learn more and apply.

Unlocking the Miracle Cure – a white paper on movement for health

Unlocking the Miracle Cure – a white paper on movement for health, was jointly published by Nuffield Health and Manchester Metropolitan University, highlighting the critical role of physical activity in improving health outcomes and addressing the nation’s growing health challenges. 

The white paper presents evidence-based policy recommendations to integrate physical activity into health and social care systems. It underscores the need for a concerted effort to prioritise physical activity as a means to prevent and manage long-term health conditions, improve mental health, and reduce pressure on the NHS.…

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Versus Arthritis courses, Mar-Apr 2025

  • Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care, Birmingham
  • Webinar: Is it inflammatory arthritis or fibromyalgia syndrome?
  • Webinar: MSK Bitesize

Versus Arthritis trainingCore Skills in Musculoskeletal Care Birmingham

This one day course is useful for Primary Care health professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of musculoskeletal conditions. The course focuses on developing the practical skills required in a typical 10-minute consultation, focusing on the knee, shoulder and spine.

Key learning outcomes:

  • Gain confidence in taking an effective history from an MSK patient, including eliciting red flags and psychosocial flags.

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GIRFT and elective community MSK waiting times

GIRFT is getting started on a £3.5m programme of activity working with 17 ICBs with the highest waiting lists for elective community MSK services.

The focus is on reducing waiting times for a community MSK appointment; to improve access to MSK treatment and support people back to work.

The GIRFT MSK Community Delivery Programme will see each ICB receive funding and support to develop more efficient ways of getting MSK patients treated, off waiting lists and back onto the path of employment.…

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Arthritis Action Impact Report 2023-24

Arthritis Action is pleased to share their Impact Report 2023-24, capturing their key achievements over the course of that year. Reaching more people than ever, the charity held over 120 group meetings, events and presentations with more than 9,000 people in attendance. Arthritis Action supported over 200,000 people through their website, raised awareness and reached over 2 million on social media, with a combined publicity and PR reach of 152 million.

You can read the full report here on the website [PDF].