Portsmouth Rheumatology Winter Newsletter

getting-to-grips-leafletports-winter-newsletter-coverThe Winter newsletter from the Department of Rheumatology, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, is out now.

It includes: tips and advice for keeping well; introducing new consultants; details of awards; a carer resource pack; drug documentation; fatigue advice; and the calendar of local events.

Click here to open the newsletter. [PDF, 931 KB]

Getting to Grips Programme

The Department is also pleased to announce that the successful “Getting to Grips with Arthritis and Connective Tissue Disease” programme will start at the Petersfield Community Hospital in October 2016.…

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FSEM Launches Updated Professional Code

FSEM-Logo-with-textx250At the beginning of November, the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (FSEM) UK launched a new version of its Professional Code. Designed for use by Fellows and Members of the FSEM, this important guide is also relevant to any doctor working in Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) or looking after a sports team at any level.

The code informs the public and athletes that the best interest of the individual athlete will always be paramount should they receive medical care from a Fellow or Member of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK.…

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BMAS Foundation Courses in Western Medical Acupuncture


Venues:  York, Cardiff, London, Glasgow, Dublin, Northwich (Cheshire)

  • Four-day course for regulated health professionals
  • Experienced, medically trained lecturers
  • Comprehensive course notes
  • 100 Free needles


Acupuncture for BACK PAIN Course
2 March 2017 BMAS House, Cheshire

A 1 day course consisting of lectures, demonstrations and practical sessions.

The practical elements of the course involve one session on rapid assessment of low back pain, mainly aimed at practitioners who are not already experts in musculoskeletal assessment, as well as one session devoted to needling of the back and posterior hip girdle.…

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Realising the Value

post-realising-value-iconsA major new body of work has concluded that person-centred approaches are pivotal to improving health and care during financially restrained times.

The Realising the Value programme has conducted a thorough analysis of the evidence for person- and community-centred approaches, worked with five frontline sites across England, and published tools, recommendations and economic modelling to show how they can be successfully implemented.

Aimed at health and care system leaders, commissioners and front-line professionals, the resources from the programme conclude that person- and community- centred approaches are pivotal to improving wellbeing outcomes during financially restrained times.…

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Tackling MSK conditions in the workplace requires a joined-up approach

dr-justin-varney-phe-nlGuest blog by Dr Justin Varney, National Lead for Adult Health and Wellbeing, Public Health England

Musculoskeletal health issues, along with mental health issues, continue to account for the majority of sickness absence in the UK. It is estimated that 9.5 million working days are lost each year due to musculoskeletal health problems and over a third of all long-term sickness absence in England.

MSK conditions can affect people at any age and at any point in their career. One in eight people of working age in the UK have a musculoskeletal issue and the prevalence of MSK conditions in the workforce is projected to increase to affect over 7 million people by 2030, a reflection of the impact of the ageing working profile.…

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Job Vacancy – Finance and Administration Manager

NASS-logo-banner-2015-350x177NASS is looking to recruit a Finance and Administration Manager. This post is not to manage people, but to oversee all of the finance and administration functions associated with a small charity.
Working as part of a small team of six, in our Hammersmith office, no two days in this position will be the same.  You will have lots of contact with members of the charity and in this key role will provide the ‘glue’ that holds the charity together.

Applications close at 5pm on 1st November 2016.…

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NASS Patients’ Choice for good health and care practice

NASS-2015-logo-squareThe AS-it-is Patient Voice & Patient Choice campaign launches on 2 November 2016 in the Houses of Parliament.

It aims to:

  • Promote the upcoming National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Clinical Guidelines for Spondyloarthritis
  • Celebrate existing good practice by health care professionals
  • Promote written care plans

NASS believes proper implementation of the Guidelines will help to improve the current 8.5 year average delay to diagnosis for people with axial spondyloarthritis, including ankylosing spondylitis (AS).

NASS are celebrating good practice by healthcare professionals through our Patients’ Choice Awards.…

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Announcing Experts in Arthritis videos

usbji-control-arthritisTo coincide with October’s World Arthritis Day, the U.S. Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI) has released three new animated videos. These form part of their public education Experts in Arthritis programme, an exciting element to aid in their efforts to educate the public about taking control of Arthritis.

The videos can be seen at www.ControlArthritis.org.    

The goal of USBJI is to significantly increase the number of Americans who will become better educated about how to alter their lifestyle and take control of their Arthritis. …

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Wellcome Trust support PMRGCAuk’s Research Roadshows

PMRGCAUK-logo300PMRGCAuk is delighted to announce that it has been successful in a bid to the Wellcome Trust for funding to support a series of Research Roadshows. Over the next 18 months a team of members of the charity will be touring the country to bring researchers, clinicians and patients together to learn about research into PMR and GCA.

The Research Roadshows are at the planning stages at the moment but more information will be published soon.
Project Lead is Kate Gilbert.…

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RCN Rheumatology Forum Study Day 2017

The RCN Rheumatology Forum is thinking about running a study day in 2017. We’d love to know what you think of the idea, so we’ve created a short survey in order to gather your thoughts.

The link to the survey is https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8DK23LJ and it should take no more than three minutes to complete.

If you have any questions about using the survey, you can contact RCN Rheumatology Committee Member Polly Livermore at polly.livermore@gosh.nhs.uk

In the meantime, why not follow us on twitter at @RCNrheumforum.…

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