Improving lives: the Work, Health and Disability Green Paper

open-consultationLast month the Government announced a major consultation on helping disabled people and people with health conditions into work: Improving lives: the Work, Health and Disability Green Paper.

The Green Paper, published on 31 October by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department of Health, looks at new ways to support people with health conditions and disabled people into work as well as supporting and caring for those who cannot work.

The scope of the Green Paper is very broad, covering health and employment as well as benefits and support.…

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Realising the Value

nv-mccracken_250What is a good outcome?

We’re two years into delivery of the Five Year Forward View, the document heralded as a blueprint for bridging the gaps in finance, quality and prevention. Chapter Two of that seminal document sets out a vision for a ‘new relationship with people and communities’…

But what does that actually mean?

The Realising the Value programme has spent 18 months seeking to turn those words into a more deliverable reality. It is an important body of work delivered by Nesta, the Health Foundation, National Voices, Regional Voices, NAVCA, Volunteering Matters and others.…

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NOS and USBJI create osteoporosis animated video

nos-and-usbji2-animationThe National Osteoporosis Society, in conjunction with the United States Bone and Joint Initiative, has worked on an animation about osteoporosis which they have remastered for a UK audience. The animation has been voiced by the charity’s ambassador, Miriam Margolyes, famous the world over for her hundreds of film, theatre and television credits including Harry Potter, Blackadder and the Real Marigold Hotel.

The animation, titled “Learn more about osteoporosis with Miriam Margolyes,” is finished and ready to be launched. ARMA members who would like to see it pre-release can contact Sarah Wolf at the NOS to attain a preview password. …

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Advancing Healthcare Awards 2017

Nominations for the 2017 Advancing Healthcare Awards are now officially open.

Established in 2005, the awards are a free-to-enter, self-nomination based programme open to all UK Allied Health Professionals working in and alongside the NHS. Nominations are made online via the website and remain open till 13th January 2017.

Shortlisting is then carried out by a mix of sponsors, supporters and VIPs, with all shortlisted entrants invited to the judging day in London on 14th February and the ceremony itself in London on 31st March 2017 organised by Chamberlain Dunn events.…

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NRAS Healthcare Champions 2016

On 2nd November, NRAS held its 5th Healthcare Champions awards ceremony in Portcullis House, Westminster, with the kind permission of the Prime Minister and NRAS Founding Patron, the Rt. Hon Theresa May MP.

The event was a resounding success with over 80 NRAS Members, healthcare professionals, MPs and special guests attending.

The awards provide the opportunity to celebrate the dedication, professionalism and excellent care given by those healthcare professionals that go ‘the extra mile’ to provide the best possible outcomes for the many people living with RA and JIA, whilst also working in a challenging environment of NHS reforms and financial cuts. …

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Direct access to physiotherapy benefits MSK patients

Between 20 and 30% of a GP caseload is made up of patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions; by expanding the availability of physiotherapy in general practice, GP time is freed up and patients are put in the driving seat, receiving the right care from the right professional. Physiotherapists are experts regarding MSK issues and have the same high safety record as GPs.

There are already examples of experienced physiotherapists working alongside GPs as the first point of contact for MSK patients.…

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National Clinical Audit – Collection of case studies

BSR have produced a collection of case studies which highlight and share best practice between the rheumatology services that took part in the National Clinical Audit for rheumatoid and early inflammatory arthritis.

Following the publication of the second annual report in July 2016, BSR undertook an analysis to identify providers which had performed well in relation to NICE Quality Standard 33 and, specifically, each of the statements within the standard. These providers were contacted and asked to submit case studies to explain how they had achieved these results and confirmation that their clinical lead was happy to provide peer support to other units.…

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NOS Fracture Liaison Services – a key and proven measure

Fracture Liaison Services hold key to addressing crisis in osteoporosis, attendees at National Osteoporosis conference hear
The growing crisis in osteoporosis causing 300,000 debilitating fractures and costing the NHS £1.9bn every year can be effectively addressed by implementing and improving Fracture Liaison Services throughout hospitals and clinics across the UK, attendees at the National Osteoporosis Society conference in Birmingham heard in November.
Dr Kassim Javaid, Consultant in Metabolic Medicine at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust – who spoke about Fracture Liaison Services at the conference – said: “The enormous personal cost of the often debilitating fractures caused by osteoporosis and the financial impact on our already under-pressure health service will only intensify as our population ages.…

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New MSK alliance in Wales

arthritis-care-wales-square-280Arthritis Care Wales is looking for representatives from voluntary sector organisations who would like to join a new MSK alliance, with the aim of sharing knowledge and working together to shape the policy agenda. If you are interested in hearing more, please contact


Save the date: Arthritis Care Week 2017

Plans are underway for next year’s Arthritis Care Week, which will take place from 8-14 May.