NRAS becomes co-chair of the Prescription Charges Coalition

In 1968, the Beatles topped the charts with Hey Jude. That’s the same year the medical exemption list for Prescription Charges was written up. Treatments for RA, JIA and other long-term conditions have come on a lot in that time but other than the addition of Cancer in 2009 the list hasn’t changed.

Many of you know that campaigning for all long-term conditions to be added to the exemption list is one of NRAS’s campaign priorities for the year. We’re pleased to have stepped up to join Parkinson’s UK and Crohn’s & Colitis as co-chairs of the Prescription Charges Coalition.…

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Help shape the future of our society

The British Society for Rheumatology has a number of high profile and exciting positions available for members to apply.

Current vacancies:

  • BSR and BHPR President elect
  • Regional and Devolved Nation Chairs
  • BSR Standing Committee
  • BRiTs Advisory group
  • BHPR Council

Vacancies close: 28 March 2017

For more information speak to your regional chair or visit the BSR website.

BSR Rheumatology Researcher Mentoring Scheme

Have you signed up for the 2017 Rheumatology Researcher Mentoring Scheme?

The scheme provides support to individuals looking to move into an academic career or who would like to gain first hand research experience.…

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New Self-Management Event in Southampton

SME Southampton

Arthritis Action will be holding a new, two-day Self-Management Event on 14th and 15th February 2017, in Southampton.

We aim to help our attendees take control of the symptoms of their arthritis, covering topics such as:

  • The impact of physical therapies
  • How you can best manage your pain
  • The benefits of exercise and a healthy diet
  • Ways to work in partnership with healthcare professionals

This open event will be free of charge and refreshments will be provided.…

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Sugar Levy Funding Allocation – Sport in Schools

Comment by the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK

The Obesity Health Alliance, of which the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK (FSEM) is a member, has sent a briefing to MPs involved in the Westminster Hall debate on funding allocation of the soft drinks industry levy, highlighting its key messages.

The FSEM, which represents doctors and consultants skilled in Exercise Medicine, Musculoskeletal Medicine and Team Care, welcomes proposed government measures to invest revenue from the soft drinks industry levy in programmes to provide an increase in sport and physical activity for school aged children.…

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New Friends Scheme for UK Gout Society

Logo-for-UK-Gout-SocietyThe UK Gout Society has launched a new Friends’ scheme through which it aims to provide information and support to more people living with gout in the UK.

For an annual fee of £18, Friends of the Charity will receive a subscription to our quarterly Gout e-News alert and selected discounts on books etc.

To find out how to become a Friend of the Charity, follow the link :

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Lack of NHS Resources in Wales Could Be Causing Delays to Arthritis Diagnosis and Treatment

Joint release from: British Society for Rheumatology and National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society

Rheumatology and arthritis societies raise concerns for arthritis services in Wales and call for more support to improve long-term patient outcomes.

The number of patients referred to rheumatology departments in Wales has increased by 66% since 2012, but resources for treatment are not keeping up with the demand, say patients and clinicians. As a consequence, new patients are waiting longer to be seen and treated and existing patients are struggling to secure follow up appointments and self-management advice.  …

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Back Pain Show Line-up Grows

The Back Pain Show has announced a number of new speakers for the event on 19 & 20 May at St Andrews stadium, Birmingham.

Gavin Bradley is founder and managing director of Active Working®, which operates “Get Standing®” campaigns in Great Britain, Australia, USA and Canada to drive awareness and interest in the health risks connected with sedentary working of office workers.

​As the major international thought leader and pioneer, Gavin commissioned the first global expert recommendations on standing / light activity time for office workers (with support from Public Health England) published by the British Journal for Sports Medicine in June 2015.  …

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Speaker announced for Back Pain Show

A top Birmingham physio who will be speaking at The Back Pain Show in the Spring has identified a radical new approach to promoting recovery from the scourge of back pain which affects 75 per cent of the UK population.

Changing what you think and do about back pain and introducing 7/11 breathing are two of 10 tips on a brand new list of what to do to get your own back on back pain, put together by David Rogers, a physiotherapist based at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham.…

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Response to new rules protecting children from ‘junk food’ advertising

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (FSEM) UK welcomes new rules by the Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP) to ban the advertising of high fat, salt and sugar food and drink products in children’s media and supports both the Obesity Health Alliance (OHA) and the Children’s Food Campaign in their responses to the measures, calling for loopholes to be closed.

The FSEM, as part of the OHA, is calling for a sustained increase in regular physical activity, according to UK Chief Medical Officer guidelines, to be part of all children’s daily routines to prevent and manage obesity, alongside measures to reduce the consumption of less healthy food and drink.…

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NICE publishes updated advice on treating low back pain

nice-backpain-quoteNICE’s updated guideline on low back pain and sciatica recommends exercise in all its forms – for example stretching, strengthening, aerobics or yoga – as the first step in managing the condition.

The guideline also recommends encouraging people to continue with normal activities as far as possible. However the guideline says massage and manipulation should only be used with exercise because there is not enough evidence to show they are of benefit when used alone.

The updated guideline has been expanded to include people with sciatica, a painful condition typically caused by irritation or compression of the nerves which run from the lower back, through the legs and down to the feet.…

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