World Spine Care

At a recent meeting of the World Federation of Chiropractic in Washington, founder of World Spine Care, Scott Haldeman MD, DC, reported on the latest developments.

The WSC is a collaboration of people working in MSK care, a charity dedicated to improving the lives of those suffering from spine related conditions in communities underserved by health care. Desmond Tutu and Elon Musk have put their names to WSC.

Work goes on in India, Ghana, Botswana and the Dominican Republic. Besides facilitating and funding clinicians’ work in these countries, the WSC also funds college education for future chiropractors from these countries.…

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NRAS – RA Awareness Week 2017

RA Awareness Week is coming soon…19-25 June 2017.

Awareness packs will be sent out in early April and you can request your copy by emailing today.

Over 30 charity CEOs write to DWP about changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

On 15th March, the Chief Executives of over 30 charities and organisations (including NRAS) wrote an open letter to Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, Penny Mordaunt, urging her not to proceed with damaging changes to Personal Independence Payments.…

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NICE has published a Guideline for Spondyloarthritis

Debbie Cook, Chief Executive at NASS, has been a member of the Guideline Development Group working with NICE for over two years, particularly giving the patients’ perspective. The NICE Guideline for Spondyloarthritis was issued at the end of February 2017. 

NASS welcome this Guideline. We will be working hard to promote it and to ensure the recommendations contained within it are taken on board.  You can read it in full on the NICE website.


Dr John Hunter, Consultant Rheumatologist at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NASS launched our first ever Patients’ Choice awards in 2016 to mark our 40th anniversary. …

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There have been reports in the media recently about a new study highlighting that patients taking drugs like alendronate for osteoporosis might weaken rather than strengthen bones. The National Osteoporosis Society, with our expert clinical advisers, has produced a response to this so that people with the condition can make an informed decision about their treatment. Radio 4’s The Today Programme and Inside Health have both covered this issue, and as a charity we have received calls from people with osteoporosis asking about treatments.…

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Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is Friday 12th May

Organise a coffee and cake morning on Friday 12th May for Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!

The 12th May is recognised as the international fibromyalgia awareness day. Charities and groups around the world will be organising events to increase awareness of the condition. Why not celebrate with us and raise awareness by organising a coffee and cake event? This could be with your family and friends in your home, in your workplace, in a local cafe or even a picnic in the park.…

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PIER showcases good practice to NHS delegation

A group of senior delegates from the NHS Health Literacy Collaborative Group visited the Haywood Hospital in late February to look at the Patient Information and Resource Centre, (PIER) and see what effect its presence has had on the health literacy of patients and carers using the hospital.

Based within the outpatients’ area of the Haywood Hospital, the PIER, which opened in October 2015, provides patients, their families and carers with access to information on arthritis and related conditions. Visitors have access to a range of printed and online material in modern comfortable surroundings.…

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SEM services can deliver much needed MSK cost savings to the NHS

Disease Risk Reduction via Regular Physical Activity
Heart Disease 40%
Stroke 27%
Colon Cancer 25%
Breast Cancer 24%
Type 2 Diabetes 30%
Hypertension 50%
Source:  A Fresh Approach in Practice – NHS North West and the FSEM UK 2011

The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine (FSEM) UK has responded to the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee Preventative Agenda Inquiry, emphasising the risk reduction for many common conditions and the cost savings which can be made by greater use of Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) services in the NHS.…

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A Message to My Younger Self

The National Osteoporosis Society is launching “A Message to My Younger Self” – an awareness campaign about keeping bones strong and health. It begins on 12th April 2017 and runs through to World Osteoporosis Day on 20th October. NOS want the generations to have a conversation about healthy bones, to talk about the steps that can be taken to make sure bones are strong, and to give a voice to the millions of people with the condition.

The campaign is being fronted by Liz Earle who is personally concerned about the impact of social media on the eating habits of her teenage children, backed-up by research that we have conducted showing that 20% of 18-24 year olds have reduced or completely cut out dairy from their diets, which could potentially be storing up problems for them in later life.…

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Calling all back pain sufferers

The Back Pain Show – 19 & 20 May 2017

After a decade, The Back Pain Show has moved from Olympia London to St Andrews Birmingham, to give access to sufferers from the Midlands and the North of England. This iconic, two-day show is a hub for sufferers to meet doctors and therapists who provide treatment and manufacturers who supply both preventative and therapeutic equipment.

There are many causes of back pain including crush fractures of the spine which are usually caused by osteoporosis.…

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New Self-Management Event in Coventry

Arthritis Action will be holding a two-day Self-Management Event in Coventry on Wednesday 26th April 2017 at 2 pm – 4.30 pm and Thursday 27th April 2017 at 10.00 am – 1.00 pm.


We aim to help our attendees take control of the symptoms of their arthritis, covering topics such as:

  • The impact of physical therapies
  • How you can best manage your pain
  • The benefits of exercise and a healthy diet
  • Ways to work in partnership with healthcare professionals

This event will be free of charge and refreshments will be provided, and is open to all.…

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