Wake up to Arthritis

Arthritis Care Week will take place from 8 – 14 May 2017 and aims to get people to “Wake up to Arthritis” – those who may have arthritis but know little about what can be done to help, and those who know very little about the condition and the impact it can have on people’s lives.

You can help us reach more people by joining our social media Thunderclap here.

London Marathon 2017

We are incredibly proud of the 65 runners who represented Arthritis Research UK at the London Marathon, many of whom were running for a loved one with arthritis or who have arthritis themselves. 28 members of staff alongside friends and family helped cheer our runners on from the side-lines at Mile 7 (Cutty Sark), Mile 12 (Tower Bridge) and Mile 25 (Birdcage Walk) and from inside the QEII where we held our post-race party. So far we have raised a total of over £87,000 and are very grateful to everyone who has donated.…

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Encouraging early intervention to support good work and a healthy workforce

Guest Blog by Lesley Giles, Director, Work Foundation

I am delighted to contribute to this edition of the Newsletter in my new role as Director at the Work Foundation. I think after 6 months I can probably just about still call myself new, not least as time has flown by in a whirlwind. It’s one of those roles that really is a great privilege to do. What is there not to like? I have the opportunity to research and promote something I am passionate about – the importance of good work!…

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Next Steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View

The Next Steps on the NHS Five Year Forward View document was published on March 31st 2017 as an update to the original Five Year Forward View published in October 2014.

Next Steps sets out the NHS’ main national service improvement priorities over the next two years, “within the constraints of what is necessary to achieve financial balance across the health service”.

This blog post sets out why MSK is so important for the delivery of the next steps and the role ARMA and our members have to play.

We need to put forward effective examples of practice when looking to influence MSK care in the UK

Putting forward models of care and examples of practice for the NHS is a large part of how Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) is influencing the MSK landscape. The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine’s Fresh Approach in Practice NHS information document remains useful and relevant when communicating what works and how SEM can improve outcomes and make real cost savings in MSK care.

Members and Fellows of the FSEM are now putting forward their evidence for SEM-led MSK services to help provide much needed examples.…

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EULAR e-breakthrough, April 2017

In April 2017, EULAR released Issue 15 of their eBreakthrough magazine.

This edition of News from the Standing Committee of People with Arthritis/Rheumatism in Europe includes:

  • An introduction to the new EULAR Executive Director, Dr Julia Rautenstrauch;
  • “Looking to the future” by Dieter Wiek, PARE Chairperson;
  • a report on online self-management in Ireland;
  • What do patients think about their care?

Click here to open or download e-Breakthrough
via the eular.org website, in PDF format.

‘A Message to my Younger Self’ campaign begins

The National Osteoporosis Society launched ‘A Message to My Younger Self’ – an awareness campaign about keeping bones strong and healthy – on 12th April which runs through World Osteoporosis Day on 20 October.

A survey conducted by the National Osteoporosis Society found four in 10 young adults have tried the fashionable ‘clean eating’ diets that often involve avoiding dairy, gluten, grain and sugar, while more than fifth had severely restricted their intake of milk and cheese. Fuelled by social media, the clean eating trend has surged in popularity in recent years, with some advocates achieving celebrity status with hundreds of thousands of followers.…

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BMAS Courses upcoming in 2017


Venues:   London, Glasgow, Dublin, Manchester

Four-day course for regulated health professionals
Experienced, medically trained lecturers
Comprehensive course notes
100 Free needles

Visit this page on our website for dates and venues.


British Medical Acupuncture Society Spring Conference

Venue: Hilton Hotel, Paddington, London
Saturday 20 May 2017

Price:  £155 BMAS members;   £185 non members          


Kajsa Landgren – acupuncture for colic in babies

Charles Buck is back – ‘The essence of needling’ will look at the place of intention and related ideas in acupuncture practice.…

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Whether you are an elite athlete, weekend warrior or an everyday active person the musculoskeletal care pathway for rehabilitation is the same

Guest Blog by Dr Jo Larkin, Sport and Exercise Medicine Consultant FFSEM

The knowledge and principles used to treat elite professional athletes in Sport and Exercise Medicine can be used to treat injuries occurring in the rest of the population.

The musculoskeletal (MSK) rehabilitation plan must consider the fact that the objective of the patient is to return to the same activity and environment in which the injury occurred. Functional capacity after rehabilitation should at the minimum be to at the same level, if not better, than before injury.…

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NRAS are looking for a Policy and Public Affairs Manager

Selected duties:

  • Maintaining a sustainable level of campaigning activity to raise political awareness of the needs of those with rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis working from the excellent reputation built and base of campaigning activities delivered to date
  • Organising one on one meetings with parliamentarians, ministers, civil servants, key opinion leaders, and key NHS figures to ensure that RA and JIA are prioritised amongst long term conditions
  • Monitoring the political environment and disseminating relevant information to the CEO, other colleagues and volunteers in the campaign networks as appropriate

Location: 4 The Switchback, Gardner Road, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 7RJ

For a full list of responsibilities, required qualifications and skills, and salary details click here.