Royal College of Nursing event: Orthopaedics and Trauma Conference

Challenges and innovations: orthopaedics and trauma across the lifespan Society of Orthopaedics and Trauma Nursing Conference and Exhibition 2017

14 November 2017
Crowne Plaza Chester

Royal College of Nursing (RCN)

This year’s one-day conference will explore the challenges and innovations in orthopaedic and fracture trauma care for patients, ranging from children and young people to the older person.

Themes include:

  • musculoskeletal care in the child and young person
  • musculoskeletal care in the adult and older person
  • orthopaedic and trauma knowledge and skills: across the life span
  • contemporary approaches in education for the musculoskeletal practitioner.

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National Osteoporosis Society’s Clinical Update 2017

TREATMENT OF OSTEOPOROSIS – ‘When to start, when to stop and when to change?’
30th November 2017, NEC Birmingham

With a brand new and innovative format this event promises to provide multidisciplinary clinicians in England with the opportunity to discuss the treatment and management of osteoporosis. The Clinical Update will bring a series of interactive clinical case discussions to you, presented as part of an expert discussion panel. You can expect to hear and participate in lively debate around identifying the high-risk patient, treatment options for the atypical patient and considerations for duration of treatment.…

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Day-to-Day Living with Arthritis and Connective Tissues Diseases Conference 2017

portmouth-conference-programme-2017The Department or Rheumatology at the Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust are pleased to announce that another conference for healthcare professionals is planned for 2017.

Day-to-Day Living with Arthritis and Connective Tissues Diseases Conference 2017

“Understanding the pieces of the puzzle – for management of Arthritis and Connective tissue diseases together”

For topics, timings and the delegate registration form, please open and download the conference programme.

Wednesday 27th September 2017
Mountbatten Centre, Alexandra Park, Portsmouth

Admission is free, but places are limited and allocated on a first-come first-served basis.…

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New Work Survey by NRAS

The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) is running a new Work Survey and is pleased to be collaborating with the Centre for Musculoskeletal Research at the University of Manchester.

The Work Survey will investigate the experiences of people with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Adult Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), any impact it has had on your ability to work and how it affects you in the workplace.

The research comes 10 years after the publication of the ‘I Want to Work’ report and will enable NRAS to draw comparisons about any progress achieved over the last decade in relation to work, health and disability.…

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BSR updates key gout management guideline

On the 26th May 2017, the British Society for Rheumatology released an important update to their most ‘in demand’ clinical guideline, on the Management of Gout. Gout is the most searched for term on the BSR website and it’s is a particularly painful form of arthritis which is becoming more common, yet continues to be poorly managed. 

This latest Guideline is for all UK doctors and allied health professionals in primary and secondary care who look after and treat patients with the condition.…

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The Fight Against Chronic Pain

Guest Blog by Neil Betteridge, co-chair, Chronic Pain Policy Coalition (CPPC)

As a former Chair of ARMA, it’s a great pleasure to be invited to write a piece for this month’s newsletter. Indeed, looking back to my seven years on the board, it is quite something to recall that the organisation entered the 21st century still called BLAR: the British League Against Rheumatism.

Apart from the name, much has changed in the world of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases since then, most of it for the better in my view.…

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Save the date! EULAR Annual European Conference of PARE 2018

15-18 February 2018

EULAR’s 2018 Annual European Conference of PARE will be addressing important topics in the area of early diagnosis, access to treatments and rheumatologists and prevention. Again we will be aiming to inspire, educate and empower delegates and their national organisations by providing expert keynote speakers, sharing best practices and a platform for exchange.

Thon hotel EU,
Rue de la Loi 75,
1040 Bruxelles,

In the coming months we will be sending you more information about the nomination and registration process.…

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Portsmouth patient conferences

Patient Conferences

Did you miss getting to the Rheumatology Conferences in 2016?

  • Love Your Bones, June 2016
  • Day to Day Living with Arthritis, September 2016

If yes, don’t worry. We are pleased to say that some of the presentations from both events are now available on the Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust You Tube page.


Patient Advice and Information Line

Did you know that there are two options for the Patient Advice and Information line?

Telephone: 02392286935

Please ensure that you leave the correct information:
Full Name
Date of Birth
Hospital Number
Brief information about what your call/email is about

Colin Beevor – Matron and Service Manager
Department of Rheumatology
Queen Alexandra Hospital
Cosham, PO6 3LY

PortsHosp – Dads and Mums with Arthritis Summer update

Portsmouth ARMA Network

DaM It Arthritis- Dads and Mums with Arthritis

Calling all Dads and Mums living with Arthritis and Connective Tissue diseases!
What do you need from a Rheumatology Service?

As we re-launch our “DaM it Arthritis” project, we would like to hear from you about what you need from local Rheumatology Services. We appreciate that having arthritis and connective tissue diseases can have an impact on personal, family and work-life balance and we are seeking your opinion on other aspects of support that you require from the Department of Rheumatology.…

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RA Awareness week and WearPurpleForJIA

RA awareness week 19-25th June

The RA Awareness week packs are flying off the shelves and we’re looking forward to an action-packed week.

NRAS is holding the 1st “Rheum for You” conference of the year in Swindon on the Wednesday 21st June and have lots of people signed up to hold their own events during the week. We have a different theme every day and you can keep an eye on our plans on the NRAS website, Facebook and Twitter channels.…

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