AACP 2018 Conference and Study Day

AACP 2018 Leeds Conference

Open to all with an interest and passion for Acupuncture in Physiotherapy, this conference provides a full-day schedule packed with distinguished speakers educating you in the latest in acupuncture research and techniques.

The event takes place on Saturday 13 October 2018 at the Principal Met Hotel, Leeds.


2018 Scotland Study Day

The Scotland Study Day sees speakers from a variety of professional backgrounds presenting on a range of acupuncture research and practice.…

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New ADPH Policy Positions – A Life Course Approach to Public Health

The Association of Directors of Public Health has just published a series of statements examining good health across the life course, which are available to view here.

The policies set out a life-course approach to public health, exploring health and wellbeing, working well, healthy ageing, and health inequality.

See #adph18 on twitter.

All of the ADPH position statements (including those published previously) are can be seen online at the policy statements page on adph.org.uk website.

The Role of Physical Activity and Sport in Mental Health

Mental health problems are common and account for the largest single source of disability in the UK.

Recognising the many benefits physical activity can bring to mental health and wellbeing, The Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK and the Royal College of Psychiatrists with the support of Mind has published an evidence-based position statement: “The Role of Physical Activity and Sport in Mental Health“. The statement contains a guide to physical activity as an intervention for health professionals, sports participants, schools, parents and carers.…

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The Government’s Industrial Strategy for MSK

The UK Government’s Industrial Strategy represents a once-in-a-decade investment in new technologies and research in the UK, with our ageing society forming one of its flagship ‘Grand Challenges’. This £300m+ investment will focus on everything from earlier diagnosis of disease to developing new innovative products and technologies that help people maintain their independence as they age.

Arthritis Research UK has been keeping the Government aware of the importance and impact of tackling musculoskeletal conditions, and we have been working hard in meetings with civil servants and attending at ministerial roundtables to ensure the Government achieves its ambitions around ‘healthy ageing’.…

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Working with Arthritis Survey

Arthritis Research UK wants to hear people’s experiences of working with arthritis.

Arthritis Research UK is asking people to respond to their survey on working with arthritis.

Everyone who takes part in the survey will help the Arthritis Research UK campaigns team better understand the key problems faced by people with arthritis in the workplace, and help make a case to Government about the support people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions need to thrive at work.

We would really appreciate it if any ARMA members could share the survey with their supporters and beneficiaries.…

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The State of Musculoskeletal Health 2018

The State of Musculoskeletal Health 2018 is a resource for health professionals, policy makers, public health leads and anyone interested in musculoskeletal health. We believe that with the best information you can build awareness, make more informed decisions, feel more confident and ultimately help more people with musculoskeletal conditions. The resource was put together by Arthritis Research UK.

Using the best available data on prevalence, risk factors and comorbidities, the report lays out the key factors affecting musculoskeletal health, the economic benefits of musculoskeletal research, and describes the scale and impact of the problem.…

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The MSK First Point-of-Contact Model

Health Education England, together with South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit, has developed an easy-to-use tool to support clinicians, managers and commissioners in their efforts to forecast and monitor the impacts of MSK self-referral to first contact practitioners (FCP).

It is called the MSK First Point of Contact Model.

The model would be useful for anyone considering:

  •     Writing a business case for a first contact practitioner service
  •     Evaluating the impact of an already established FCP service
  •     Planning a service improvement initiative within a MSK health system

You can find and download the model from ARMA’s Network Resources page.

Webinar video: Developing and implementing a JSNA chapter

The video of the latest webinar in the MSK Webinar Series is up on our site.

You now can watch “Focus on Musculoskeletal Health: developing and implementing a JSNA chapter” which uses the example of the London Borough of Ealing and NHS Ealing CCG to outline the development of the JSNA chapter, and show why this is important for improving the musculoskeletal health of a local population.

You can see this on our Webinar page, as well as recordings of past webinars from the MSK series, including:

  •     Sport, Exercise, Training and Delivery in the NHS
  •     Self-care workforce skills
  •     Joint Pain Advisor Webinar
  •     Getting It Right First Time Masterclass
  •     Clinical Networks: Transforming MSK Care
  •     Physiotherapy in Primary Care
  •     The Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire
  •     New models of MSK Masterclass
  •     Work & Health MSK Webinar

Institute of Osteopathy and NASS partner to tackle delay in Ankylosing Spondylitis diagnosis

As part of the Institute of Osteopathy’s partnership with the National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society (NASS), two refresher seminars held for osteopaths and chiropractors at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath.

The iO is supporting NASS’s work to reduce the current 8.5 year delay to diagnosis in axial spondyloarthritis, including ankylosing spondylitis. Over 100 delegates attended the seminars, where Drs Karl Gaffney and Raj Sengupta presented an update on the most recent tools for diagnosis, with an emphasis on the use of MRI and the presence of extra articular manifestations, such as uveitis, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis.…

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