Diet has an important role to play

Guest blog by Tom Embury, Public Affairs Officer, British Dietetic Association.

The Allied Health Professions most commonly associated with arthritis and MSK conditions are probably our colleagues in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, but the British Dietetic Association (BDA) believe dietitians have a key role to play in supporting patients and working with colleagues as part of multidisciplinary teams to prevent and treat these conditions.  

The BDA is one of the world’s oldest nutrition and dietetic bodies and represents the 9,000 or so dietitians working in the UK, as well as students, dietetic assistants and affiliate members.…

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Apply to be an MSK Champion

Time is running out to become a Champion of Musculoskeletal Care. The deadline for this unique opportunity is 17 June 2018.

Arthritis Research UK, together with Ashridge Executive Education, have created a bespoke leadership initiative with the aim of driving forward tangible improvements in MSK services within the local health systems of each Champion.

We are looking for individuals who are involved in the design, commissioning and/or delivery of musculoskeletal care, including front-line clinicians, public health practitioners, commissioners and service managers.…

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EULAR EMEUNET Journal Club and Social Media survey

EMEUNET (the Emerging Eular NETwork) and the EULAR School of Rheumatology have launched an online educational initiative called Twitter Journal Club, facilitated by experienced rheumatologists. The aim is to allow Twitter users to participate in a discussion with colleagues around the world about recent key papers in rheumatology.

Each month details of the article selected for the Journal Club as well as the EMEUNET paper of the month will be available for download on our the EMEUNET websiteYou can also have a look at the previous Journal Club sessions.…

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NHS Employers – Health and Wellbeing Framework

The new NHS Workforce Health and Wellbeing Framework is now available. This is the result of two years’ work with NHS organisations, NHS Employers, NHS Improvement, Public Health England and a range of voluntary sector and government partners. The NHSE appreciate the MSK-specific expertise that we have shared with them on behalf of ARMA.

The Framework will support NHS organisations through an easy-to-use diagnostic tool and a comprehensive range of guidance against fourteen core organisational enablers and health interventions proven to improve staff health and wellbeing.…

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EULAR’s approach to pain management

In May 2018, The European League Against Rheumatism published a set of recommendations designed to help health professionals implement approaches to pain management in inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis patients. The aim is to reduce pain and the burden on the individual and society.

Pain is the predominant symptom for people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) and osteoarthritis (OA), mandating the development of new, evidence-based EULAR Recommendations for the health professional’s approach to pain management in inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The target users of these recommendations are health professionals in the field of rheumatology, including rheumatologists. …

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Reducing the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions

The Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health is delighted to inform you about the paper “Reducing the global burden of musculoskeletal conditions” published online in the WHO Bulletin, May 2018.

International experts, working with The Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health, are calling for global action from health authorities to address the huge burden of musculoskeletal conditions, which affect about one in three people worldwide, including younger people.

You can view the “Reducing the global burden of musculoskeletal conditionspaper here.…

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Guest blog: Why doesn’t it work?

by Dr Steven Boorman CBE, Director of Employee Health, Empactis,
Chair of the Council for Work and Health

As I head towards the milestone later this year of passing my thirtieth year in occupational health, I find myself optimistic mixed with the “glass half empty” of recognising that the same barriers remain in place: barriers to those who want to work with long term conditions. Over my career I have worked regularly with ARMA members and experts, and I have personal experience of working with a MSK condition.…

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New Self-Management Event in Southampton

Arthritis Action will be holding a new two-day Self-Management Event on 2-3 July 2018 between 2pm–4.30pm at Millennium Third Age Centre, 11 Cranbury Terrace, Southampton, SO14 0LH.

The aim is to help attendees take control of the symptoms of their arthritis, covering topics such as:

  • The impact of physical therapies
  • How you can best manage your pain
  • The benefits of exercise and a healthy diet
  • Ways to work in partnership with healthcare professionals

This event will be free of charge and refreshments will be provided, and is open to all.…

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Dietitians Week 2018 – Dietitians Do Prevention

June 4 – 8 2018 is Dietitians Week 2018, where the British Dietetic Association and its members and allies celebrate the work of dietitians. This year’s theme is “Dietitians Do Prevention”, which highlights the important role that dietitians have to play in prevention and public health.

We know nutrition and hydration underpin so much of our health and getting it right can reduce the impact of illness, aid recovery, or prevent some diseases and conditions altogether.

The theme is timely.…

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